KIDS - Kindergartens In Diverse Society

KIDS - Kindergartens In Diverse Society


Łódź, Poland

1 , Odprto

Opis projekta

We are urgently looking for turkish female participant for a 6-months long EVS project in Łódź, Poland. The project has already started and we are looking for female turkish participant with passport, who could join us as soon as possible. The project is realised in polish kindergarten, it requires working with kids between 3-6 years old. The volunteer will observe/join/support/prepare & present such activities, as for example: working and playing with children, proposing activities for children. Volunteer will also provide a support for the kindergarten by following its daily routine. Volunteers will spend 4 days a week kindergarten and 1 day a week in a group meetings in the office to work on personal projects, self development, workshops, evaluation etc. To find out more about working in Lodz's kindergarten:


Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

Volunteers are living in the flats located in the city centre of Łódź. The flats are equiped in the fridge, washing machine, basic kitchen utensils ect. Volunteer will live in a flat (student conditions) shared with flatmates. The flat is furnished with a fridge, washing machine, an iron and basic kitchen utensils. Common kitchen and bathroom. Smoking is not allowed in the flat. As mentioned, volunteer will live in a shared flat equipped with all necessary facilities.Volunteers receive every month money for food + pocket money. Volunteers also get travel card for public transport in our city.


Usposabljanje med projektom

Volunteers will participate in on-arrival training and mid-term training organised by Polish National Agency. Also, once a week - all project volunteers (8 volunteers in total), meet in KobieTY office (coordinating organisation in the project) for self-developement


Profil prostovoljca

We are looking for motivated candidate with positive attitude, willing to work with children between 3-6 years old.



Please send your CV to


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datumi projekta

Skupno število tednov: 25 (v obdobju od 08/04/2017 do 30/09/2017)

Lokacija projekta

Kościuszki 48, 90-427 Łódź Poland

Iščemo prostovoljce iz

Turčija, Poljska

Področja prostovoljskega projekta

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 06/04/2017


Name: Katarzyna Deka

Organizacija gostiteljica

Przedszkole Miejskie nr 183

Łódź, Poljska

Organizacija pošiljateljica


Istanbul, Turčija

Organizacija koordinatorka

Łódź, Poljska