“Future Kindergartens in Europe”

“Future Kindergartens in Europe”

Világjáró Önkéntes Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.

Debrecen, Hungary

1 , Folyamatban


The project involves 6 volunteers from Germany, France, Portugal, Turkey, Italy and Romania. The project will take place in Debrecen, Hungary, working with children in 3 different traditional kindergartens. Volunteers will be assisting in the day-to-day activities of kindergartens under professional supervision. In these activities, volunteers can leverage their existing skills, creativity in music and handicrafts, and improve them. They will learn responsibility for others, as well as methods of transferring their existing knowledge and skills. Our aim is to create awareness and openness towards other people and other cultures with creative activities, a healthy lifestyle, and intercultural media. In kindergarten activities, the common working language between workers and volunteers will be English and German (according to workers’ preference and volunteer’s knowledge).


Szállás, étkezés és utazás

• Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a certain amount allocated by the European Commission; • All participants will have CIGNA health insurance during their service period; • Accommodation and food will be provided by the host organization; • Volunteers will also receive a monthly allowance; • Hungarian language lessons will also be provided; • Local transportation will be facilitated (if it is reasonable);


Képzés a projekt tartama alatt

• On-arrival and mid-term evaluation training are included in the EVS. Beside that, volunteers will take part on a preparatory meeting before their departure personally or on Skype, which is organized by sending organiztion.


Kik jelentkezhetnek?

Candidates applying for this EVS should meet the following requirements: • Age between 18-30; • Available for the whole duration of the volunteering period and pre-departure training; • Interest in the work with children and youth or social work in general; • Creative person interested in creating handicrafts, organizing events, sharing own culture; • Basic English or German knowledge is a must; • Dedicated, open minded, communicative and resourceful; • Flexible, easy-going; • Able to work in team.


Hogyan kell jelentkezni?

For candidature for this project please ask for questionnaire from the Hosting organization (bellow) or the sending organization (modpeti@gmail.com)and send it together with your CV and motivation letter, all in English language to imre.enyedi@gmail.com not later than 10th May 2017.


További információk

Volunteer’s tasks
• Support day-to-day activities, including team building, and role playing games, promoting environmental education.
• Artistic activities (dancing, music, handicrafts, etc.): the volunteer is welcome to bring native songs and games and introduce them to children;
• Outdoor activities and making use of salt therapy rooms of the kindergarten;
• Cultural clubs (also presentation of own culture and traditions);
• Supporting the promotional activities of the kindergarten.

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

A projekt időtartama

Összesen 52 hét 01/06/2017 és 29/05/2018 között

A projekt helyszíne

Csapó Street 76. 8/29., 4029 Debrecen Hungary

Ebből az országból várunk önkénteseket



Kreativitás és kultúra

Pedagógia és didaktika

Nem formális és informális tanulmányok/tanegységek elismertetése

Jelentkezés határideje

Jelentkezés határideje: 15/05/2017


Name: Imre Enyedi

Phone: +36 52 751 202

Fogadó szervezet

Világjáró Önkéntes Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Debrecen, Magyarország

Küldő szervezet

Association VOX Iuventutis

Baile Tusnad, Románia

Koordináló szervezet

Világjáró Önkéntes Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Debrecen, Magyarország