EVS - European youth involved in the local inheritage - France

EVS - European youth involved in the local inheritage - France

Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne et Pays de la Loire

Le Mans, France

12 , Closed


This voluntary project will gather a group of 15 volunteers from diferent nationalities with 2 french volunteers to create a team. The missions: organization of festival "les Veillées de Cordouen", reabilitation of built heritage and development of relations with locals.The first worksite will be Saint Calais du Désert (Mayenne county) from june 30th to july 27th. The second worksite will be Saint Laurent (Côtes d'Armor county) from august, 2th to 23th. During this time, the volunteers will have to develop projects to exchange or integrate local people. The volunteers will work from Monday to Friday, around 35 hours a week. Depending of the opportunities, a time will be spared to discover the two regions. The volunteers will have days off between the activities.


Logi, mat och transporter

Saint Calais du Désert : rural campsite with electricity, showers and dry toilets. Saint-Laurent : campsite.


Volontärens profil

18 - 30 years old Being a volunteer requires commitment, sense of responsability, open minded, motivation and availability during all the project.The volunteers will have to deal with a mixed group of different nationalities (Spain, Greece, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Germany, France, Russia) and create relationships with local communities. Also, the volunteer have to be interested by french language and culture, and be able to do physical outside work.


Så söker du

Get in touch with the coordinating organisation of your country. You will have to send a european CV in english and to join a short video ("selfie") to your motivation.


Ytterligare information

The coordinating organisation in each countries :
- Spain, Asociacion Building Bridges
- Greece, Elix- Programmataa Ethelontikis Ergasias
- Portugal, ProAtlântico
- Germany, Eurocircle Deutschland e.V.
- Poland, Centrum ds. Katastrof i Klesk Zywiolowych TRATWA Översätt

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.


Totalt 8 veckor mellan 26/06/2017 och 25/08/2017


30 rue Pierre Martin, 72100 Le Mans France

Söker volontärer från

Spanien, Polen, Grekland, Portugal, Tyskland


Kreativitet och kultur

Landsbygds- och stadsutveckling

Ungdomsfrågor (delaktighet, ungdomsverksamhet och ungdomspolitik)

Sista ansökningsdag

Sista ansökningsdag: 31/05/2017


Name: Etienne Leterrier


Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne et Pays de la Loire

Vezin le Coquet, Frankrike