Evs vacancies at Boutique Cultura, Lisbon, Portugal (already approved)

Evs vacancies at Boutique Cultura, Lisbon, Portugal (already approved)

Boutique da Cultura

Lisbon, Portugal

2 , Closed


Associação Spin, acting as the Coordinating organization, is currently looking for one Spanish and one French volunteer for our partner organization, Associação Boutique da Cultura. The call is open to any/all partner countries residents. All the information can be found on our website: http://www.a-spin.pt/english/?p=1918


Kik jelentkezhetnek?

- 18-30 years old; - legally residing in partner countries( France and Spain); - motivated to participate.


Hogyan kell jelentkezni?

CV, project­ specific motivation letter and Google Form available on the website sent to: -if you reside in France send your application to ipeicc.europe@orange.fr or evs.spin@gmail.com -if you reside in Spain send your application to evs@asociaciones.org or evs.spin@gmail.com


Esélyhátránnyal küzdő fiatalok

  • This organisation has additional mentoring or other support suitable for young people with social obstacles, educational difficulties, cultural differences or similar.

Kapcsolódó linkek


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

A projekt időtartama

Összesen 52 hét 01/09/2017 és 31/08/2018 között

A projekt helyszíne

Lisbon Portugal

Ebből az országból várunk önkénteseket

Franciaország, Spanyolország


Kreativitás és kultúra

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Társadalmi párbeszéd

Jelentkezés határideje

Jelentkezés határideje: 15/06/2017

Fogadó szervezet

Boutique da Cultura

Lisbon, Portugália

Küldő szervezet

Coordinadora Infantil y Juvenil de Tiempo Libre de Vallecas

Madrid, Spanyolország

i-PEICC peuple et culture

Montpellier, Franciaország

Koordináló szervezet

Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos

Lisboa, Portugália