Education volunteer for Global Reboot Project

Education volunteer for Global Reboot Project

Comité Académico Técnico de Asesoramiento a Problemas Ambientales

Gent, Belgium

1 , Closed

Deskrizzjoni tal-proġett

CATAPA is active in the fields of globalization and sustainable development in Latin America and focus on the problems caused by modern open pit mining (ecological disasters, human rights violations, etc.). We support local communities threatened by multinational mining corporations. The volunteer will support the project on the local, Flemish level, and will focus specifically on young people in higher education. As EVS volunteers you will be trained to think critically and spread knowledge of these problems. Concrete activities will range from enhancing the accessibility of knowledge/information, (preparing educational tools, opening up our network...), promoting educational tools and videos and organizing educational events, lectures and workshops, and supporting initiatives of young people and teachers related to sustainability and the exploitation and depletion of resources. You will be part of a movement of activists and of a small, dynamic office which supports the movement.


Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

CATAPA will actively assist the volunteer in finding accommodation in the city. A monthly allowance will be given to cover the volunteer's food expenses. As well as covering the travel costs from the volunteer's home country to Belgium including return (beginning and end of project), CATAPA will cover all travel costs incurred as a result of the volunteer's participation in CATAPA's activities. The EVS volunteers will be offered a monthly fee of 657 euro to cover accommodation and daily expenses.


Taħriġ matul il-proġett

The volunteer will be invited to participate in CATAPA's 'Train the Trainers' programme, involving two training weekends and the production of a presentation and article to go on our website. Our working groups also set up training evenings based on other volunteers' requests. Previous training evenings have covered 'how to write an article'; 'how to add subtitles to a video', 'how to speak in public'.


Profil tal-voluntier

Essential -Interested in learning about environmental movement/mining issues -Advanced speaker of one of three languages: English, Spanish, Dutch -Independent worker -Interest in working with volunteers -Experience of volunteer management an advantage -Experience of conducting workshops an advantage -Be familiar with organizing events -Age below 31 years Desirable -Exp. with environmental movement/international development/mining issues -Volunteer management experience -Good knowledge of a second language (EN, NL, ES) -Practical skills in ICT (or interest in acquiring them)


Kif għandek tapplika

Please send your CV and motivation letter to


Links relatati

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dati tal-Proġett

Total ta' ġimgħat: 52 . Perjodu: 13/09/2017 sa 13/09/2018

Il-post tal-proġett

Maria-Hendrikaplein 5, bus 401, 9000 Gent Belgium

Qed ifittxu voluntiera minn

in-Netherlands, ir-Renju Unit, l-Irlanda

Suġġetti tal-proġett

Ambjent u tibdil fil-klima

Kooperazzjoni internazzjonali, relazzjonijiet internazzjonali, kooperazzjoni għall-iżvilupp

ICT - it-teknoloġiji l-ġodda - kompetenzi diġitali

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 09/09/2017


Name: Karolien Burvenich

Phone: +32 494453067

Organizzazzjoni ospitanti


Gent, il-Belġju

Organizzazzjoni li tibgħat

A SEED Europe

Amsterdam, in-Netherlands

UNA Exchange

Cardiff, ir-Renju Unit