SOS – Children’s Villages

SOS – Children’s Villages

SOS Children's Villages AChF

Yerevan, Armenia

1 , Miftuħa

Deskrizzjoni tal-proġett

The main aim of the project is to work with children, to educate and train them. The volunteer will be involved in all programs and will be encouraged to propose his/her own ideas and suggestions. The volunteer will live and work with the local community. Apart from working with the children, he/she will have the possibility to spend his/her free time with them and to learn a lot about Armenia. The volunteer will be involved in discussions and seminars about the future of the children and will be able to share his/her opinion on the situation. It’s preferable the volunteer to have concrete interest, for example, in drawing, dancing, handicrafts, music, teaching skills to be able to organize teaching and playing groups. The volunteer must follow the methods used in the village and kindergarten and play, work with children according to their private interests without making them do the things that he/she wants. Different educational games will be organized as well as physical training.


Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

The volunteer will receive a certain amount of money for food on monthly basis. The volunteers will be able to decide themselves what, when and where to eat. There are a lot of shops, food stands, cafes and restaurants available all over the city. HUJ will provide accommodation in dormitory with other volunteers. There is a set of rules applicable during volunteer’s stay in the dormitory. Monthly allowance At the beginning of every month the volunteers will receive monthly allowance consisting of: • pocket money (a.k.a. Volunteer’s allowance); • money for food • money for local transport


Taħriġ matul il-proġett

Training related to the volunteer’s activities will be given during the first weeks of the project upon the volunteers’ arrival at hosting organization. Additional support and education is given to the volunteer when needed throughout the project by the EVS coordinator and staff. During the EVS, volunteer will have an On-Arrival Training and a Mid-Term Evaluation (if the Service duration exceeds 6 months), both organized by SALTO. The Volunteer will learn Armenian language by attending Armenian language courses. The lessons will be provided by an English speaking teacher twice a week.


Profil tal-voluntier

There are no gender, age and other requirements for the selection/recruitment of volunteers. The volunteer should be interested or have some experience in working with children; they should be kind, imaginative communicative and reliable, should love children and the work with them. The main criteria for the choice of the volunteer-to-be is the motivation and the activities they have planned for the project. It’s preferable also that the volunteer has concrete interest and motivation, for example, in drawing, dancing, handicrafts, music, teaching skills to be able to organize teaching and p


Kif għandek tapplika

Please send your CV and motivation letter to Skype interviews might be arranged with the local partner.


Links relatati

HUJ website

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dati tal-Proġett

Total ta' ġimgħat: 52 . Perjodu: 01/10/2017 sa 30/09/2018

Il-post tal-proġett

8 Kochari street, apt. 18-19, 0033 Yerevan Armenia

Qed ifittxu voluntiera minn


Suġġetti tal-proġett

Iż-żgħażagħ (Parteċipazzjoni, Xogħol taż-Żgħażagħ, Politika dwar iż-Żgħażagħ)

Kreattività u kultura

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 17/09/2017


Name: Monica Garcia Porto

Phone: +33 1 45 23 00 23

Organizzazzjoni ospitanti

SOS Children's Villages AChF

Yerevan, l-Armenja

Organizzazzjoni li tibgħat


PARIS, Franza

Organizzazzjoni li tikkoordina


PARIS, Franza