URGENT! Daily care center for children in Slovenia-for French EVS

URGENT! Daily care center for children in Slovenia-for French EVS

Zavod O

Škofja Loka, Slovenia

1 , Closed

Opis projekta

1 EVS volunteer from FRANCE needed to take part in the long term EVS project named "Zavod O – Kids in Action 4", which will connect 5 local daily centers for children and youth and include 5 EVS volunteers from 5 different countries. The Project is already accepted and already stared, just one french volunteer is still needed, who would join the team for the period of 9 months. Volunteer will be included in the work of Daily daily care center Škrlovec in Kranj as equal members of their team and as such she/he will have an opportunity to show and improve her/his own abilities,develop sense of initiative,gain new skills and get new knowledge through organizing and realizing different activities (workshops,courses,individual support,sports,games,plays,presentations,lectures).At the same time, she/he will get familiar with the theory of preventing work with youngsters and with social care system in Slovenia.


Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

The volunteer will be accommodated together with other volunteers of the project in a furnished apartment with WiFi on the main square of Škofja Loka, old historical town with about 13000 inhabitants, located 25 km NW from Ljubljana. Each volunteer will stay in the single bedroom with shared cooking, washing, laundry and social facilities. Volunteer will cook by himself/herself, monthly food allowance will be provided (180 €). He/she will be also entitled to receive a monthly allowance of 91,35 €. Bike and tickets for public transportation (Škofja Loka - Kranj -Škofja Loka) will be provided.


Usposabljanje med projektom

On-arrival and Mid-term training organized by Slovenian National Agency, all the training organized by host organizations and by some other partner organizations from the local community.


Profil prostovoljca

Candidate should be motivated, flexible, patient, creative, open-minded, self-initiative, communicative, interested to work with children and adolescents and he/she should have a good an ability to speak English. Some past experiences from pedagogy and youth leisure are welcomed. Ability in music, sport, manual activities, handicrafts, dances, art, multimedia would be also convenient. The future volunteer should bring in her/his own ideas into the project and be prepared to create, plan and execute her/his own projects. We look for 1 volunteer from France.



Send an email with your CV and motivation letter to the coordinating organization Zavod O (international@zavodo.org) as soon as possible, because the first candidate, which we will consider suitable, will be selected. We might ask you for further information via email &skype.


Sorodne povezave

FB ŠkrlovecZavod O InternationalZavod OEVS projects at Zavod O FB

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datumi projekta

Skupno število tednov: 39 (v obdobju od 30/11/2017 do 30/08/2018)

Lokacija projekta

Mestni trg 20, 4220 Škofja Loka Slovenia

Iščemo prostovoljce iz


Področja prostovoljskega projekta

Prostovoljci v posebnih okoliščinah

Mladi (participacija, mladinsko delo, mladinska politika)

Ustvarjalnost in kultura

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 10/09/2017


Name: Matjaž Vouk

Organizacija gostiteljica

Skrlovec-dnevni center za mlade in druzine, CSD Kranj

Kranj, Slovenija

Organizacija pošiljateljica

Maison de l'Europe de Tours Centre Val de Loire

Tours, Francija

Organizacija koordinatorka

ZAVOD O, Zavod škofjeloške mladine

Škofja Loka, Slovenija