I-Communities: share online live offline

I-Communities: share online live offline


Bologna, Italy

1 , Full

Deskrizzjoni tal-proġett

"I-Communities: share online live offline" is an EVS project which wants to improve the knowledge and the awareness on the third sector and related opportunities for young people in the community and abroad, with a peer-to-peer and multilingual approach, aiming at stimulating employability and social innovation, getting to know best practices to bring back to their community. Objectives - raising awareness on the importance of getting involved in volunteering and local activities - explore how the civil society works, which kind of initiatives can be made, develop strategies of promotion and affiliation in building communities of volunteers and network of activists and organizations; - support the creation of a common space for young people to interact and horizontally develop social initiatives and events - promote volunteering both online and offline through the active search and communication of initiatives, events, opportunities at local level and the ones coming from the EU


Profil tal-voluntier

-open-minded and curiosity towards other cultures -willing to help and learn about NGO sector, given also her past experience in the E+ Program -interested in digital tools and promotion of volunteering -flexible, creative and adaptable -willing to have an intercultural experience and truly committed to taking part in this long-term project -linked to their sending community with the spirit of improving the territory


Kif għandek tapplika

Send us an email and we will send you an application form with all the information


Informazzjoni addizzjonali

The project is not approved. It will be submitted to the Italian National Agency for the October deadline. Ittraduċi

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dati tal-Proġett

Total ta' ġimgħat: 29 . Perjodu: 05/02/2018 sa 31/08/2018

Il-post tal-proġett

Bologna Italy

Qed ifittxu voluntiera minn


Suġġetti tal-proġett

Kooperazzjoni internazzjonali, relazzjonijiet internazzjonali, kooperazzjoni għall-iżvilupp

Iż-żgħażagħ (Parteċipazzjoni, Xogħol taż-Żgħażagħ, Politika dwar iż-Żgħażagħ)

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 03/10/2017


Name: Stefano Campanari

Organizzazzjoni ospitanti



Organizzazzjoni li tibgħat


MADRID, Spanja

Organizzazzjoni li tikkoordina