EVS vacancies at Spin, Lisbon, Portugal (already approved)

EVS vacancies at Spin, Lisbon, Portugal (already approved)

Lisbon, Portugal

2 , Closed

Opis projekta

Associação Spin, acting as the Hosting and Coordinating organization, is currently looking for one Hungarian and one Croatian volunteers for an approved EVS project starting in March 2018! The call is open to Hungarian and Croatian residents exclusively. All the information can be found on our website: http://www.a-spin.pt/english/?p=2155


Profil prostovoljca

- 18-30 years old; - legally residing in Croatia or Hungary; - motivated to participate.



CV and project-specific motivation letter sent to: If you live in Hungary send your application to: evs@artemisszio.hu or evs@a-spin.pt If you live in Croatia send your application to: ypgd@ypgd.org or evs@a-spin.pt


Udeleženci z omejenimi možnostmi

  • This organisation has additional mentoring or other support suitable for young people with social obstacles, educational difficulties, cultural differences or similar.

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datumi projekta

Skupno število tednov: 39 (v obdobju od 01/03/2018 do 30/11/2018)

Lokacija projekta

Lisbon Portugal

Iščemo prostovoljce iz

Hrvaška, Madžarska

Področja prostovoljskega projekta

Mladi (participacija, mladinsko delo, mladinska politika)

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 24/01/2018

Organizacija gostiteljica

Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos

Lisboa, Portugalska

Organizacija pošiljateljica

Mirovna grupa mladih Dunav

Vukovar, Hrvaška

Artemisszió Alapítvány

Budapest, Madžarska

Organizacija koordinatorka

Associação Spin para o Intercâmbio, Formação e Cooperação entre os Povos

Lisboa, Portugalska