A year for you, a year for others - Call for volunteers in Hungary!

A year for you, a year for others - Call for volunteers in Hungary!

Budapest, Hungary

1 , Odprto

Opis projekta

We are the youth volunteering branch of the Hungarian Charity of the Order of Malta. We organize most of our local programs for children and young people under 25. The common feature of our programs is that we help marginalised and underpriviliged groups of society, and we try to bring them equal opportunities. As a volunteer your tasks would include the following: organising community programs and free time activities for the youth, taking part in the programs with children from difficult backgrounds, helping kids and young people in practicing English or other languages, participating in programs helping the homeless people, being part of the editorial board of our webpage: writing articles and doing interviews, taking photos or even helping in video recording and editing. You are also encouraged to plan, launch, implement and manage your own projects.


Nastanitev, prehrana in prevoz

Apart from the monthly pocket money for your own personal spending, you will get a daily financial support for your meal. The transportation is ensured with monthly travel pass. The project covers a one-time return ticket between Hungary and your home country, i.e. 100% of the travel expenses to arrive to Hungary and get back home will be reimbursed to you. You will be accommodated in a flat located in the centre rented by our organization, having your own bedroom, with kitchen and bathroom usually shared with another volunteer or university student.


Usposabljanje med projektom

You will take part in a comprehensive Hungarian language course throughout your 12-month placement. We conduct a 10-day intensive on-arrival training in Budapest for our team of EVS volunteers in September, consisting of the culture, history, and traditions of Hungary, information and explanation on your future tasks, social care services in Hungary, team-building and personal development activities. We also organizes mid-term evaluation seminars, one-to-one meetings throughout the year, where you can acquire problem handling skills and get new ideas and inspiration for your own projects.


Profil prostovoljca

Openness and interest in the activities of our organization, understanding with the clients, compassion, social-sensitivity, sense of solidarity and a good sense of humour. Willingness to join and bring new colours to the everyday life of our institution. Creativity, moreover good organizational and communication skills. We also expect our volunteer to be a full member of our team. The ideal canidate therefore must have a good command of the English language.



Please send your CV in Europass format and cover letter, indicating your age, to volunteer@maltai.hu. We will get in touch with you as soon as your application have been reviewed.


Sorodne povezave

Hungarian Charity of the Order of Malta

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Datumi projekta

Skupno število tednov: 51 (v obdobju od 05/09/2016 do 31/08/2017)

Lokacija projekta

1011 Budapest Hungary

Iščemo prostovoljce iz


Področja prostovoljskega projekta

Šolski osip/boj proti neuspehu v izobraževanju

Mladi (participacija, mladinsko delo, mladinska politika)

Inclusion - equity

Rok za prijavo

Rok za prijavo: 30/04/2016

Organizacija gostiteljica

Budapest Malteser Youth

Budapest, Madžarska

Organizacija pošiljateljica


Vilnius, Litva

Organizacija koordinatorka

Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat Egyesület

Budapest, Madžarska