"The New Start"

"The New Start"

Youth Association Kreaktiv Kavadarci

Kavadarci, North Macedonia

2 , Folyamatban


creACTive is a youth association founded to support creativity and active citizenship of young people in Kavadarci. It was created in 2007 by Dragan Markoski and Dragan Atanasov and its main aim is to assist the personal development of young people through their engagement in non-formal educational activities. creACTive implements various youth projects, on both local and international levels. While the local activities range from workshops, volunteer actions, seminars, and sport competitions to various performances and other events, creACTive’s international work includes youth exchanges and training courses organized in Macedonia and in other countries, mainly in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission, and EVS projects.


Szállás, étkezés és utazás

For more information visit: http://semperavanti.org/wolontariat-evs-macedonii/


Képzés a projekt tartama alatt

creACTive empowers youth and supports their personal and professional development by promoting peace, tolerance, creativity, and active citizenship through non-formal learning methods. Our work is divided into three main areas of action: Peace education and community activism: To build personal and social identity for a stronger and more inclusive society. Environment and health: to raise ecological awareness, and advocate for sustainable and healthy living. Art and media: To explore emotional intelligence through creative self-expression.


Kik jelentkezhetnek?

We are looking for motivated and open-minded youngsters from Poland, between 18-30 years old.


Hogyan kell jelentkezni?

Zgłoszenia w formie CV (Imię_Nazwisko_CV) oraz listu motywacyjnego (Imię_Nazwisko_ML) w języku angielskim należy przesłać na adres wyjedz@semperavanti.org (w tytule wiadomości wpisując „Wolontariat Macedonia”).


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

A projekt időtartama

Összesen 52 hét 01/03/2019 és 31/03/2020 között

A projekt helyszíne

Kavadarci North Macedonia

Ebből az országból várunk önkénteseket



Kreativitás és kultúra

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Ifjúság (fiatalok részvétele, ifjúsági munka, ifjúságpolitika)

Jelentkezés határideje

Jelentkezés határideje: 28/02/2018

Fogadó szervezet

Zdruzenie na mladi KREAKTIV Skopje

Skopje, Észak-Macedónia

Küldő szervezet


WROCLAW, Lengyelország