Forest Quest Short Term EVS

Forest Quest Short Term EVS

Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton

Ptsilia Area, Cyprus

3 , Closed

Deskrizzjoni tal-proġett

Short term EVS project focusing on environment and exploring a new culture and interacting with a communities where they play a key role and become a part of the local social life. The project will focus on social and cultural development task in 3 rural villages in the area of Pitsilia, part or Triodes mountains. Agridia, Kato Mylos and Ayios Ioannis are 3 small villages in a very short distance, which are threatened by urbanisation. Although very small in numbers they are very active in social and cultural activities. Volunteers will support villagers and the community in developing cultural events, in everyday chores and production of local goods. The main aim is to enhance the human-culture relationship in an authentic, creative and innovative way. The exchange amongst volunteers and locals has been tested and proven to be enormous.


Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

The volunteers will reside for about 11 days in each village in the area of Pitsilia (Agridia, Kato Mylos and Ayios Ioannis). They will move to each village after their activities in each one of them. This will create a dynamic process for both the villagers and the volunteers. Accommodation will be provided by villagers. Be prepared to stay in a renovated old school, be hosted by villagers in their houses. Practical suggestion is to bring a sleeping bag with you.


Taħriġ matul il-proġett

On Arrival Training will be provided by the hosting organization during the first week of the project.


Profil tal-voluntier

We are looking for a communicative, resourceful and flexible volunteer, who has some experience in youth work. The volunteers must be willing to undertake different kinds of work, especially in non-formal education, and youth free time organization. He or she should be social and creative.


Kif għandek tapplika

To apply to this project, please submit your motivational letter and CV by sending us an email at:


Parteċipanti b’inqas opportunitajiet

  • This organisation has additional mentoring or other support suitable for young people with social obstacles, educational difficulties, cultural differences or similar.

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dati tal-Proġett

Total ta' ġimgħat: 5 . Perjodu: 17/05/2018 sa 19/06/2018

Il-post tal-proġett

Cyprus, Ptsilia Area Cyprus

Qed ifittxu voluntiera minn

is-Slovenja, Spanja

Suġġetti tal-proġett

Kreattività u kultura

Agrikoltura, forestrija u sajd

Żvilupp rurali u urbanizzazzjoni

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 10/05/2018

Organizzazzjoni ospitanti