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SKE Avgorou

SKE AVGOROU( Council of Community Volunteerism of Avgorou)

Avgorou/ Famagusta, Cipro


This Project will host 8 volunteers from different countries, civilization, community, national environment that will provide voluntary service for 8 months and will live in Avgorou village. The program will be implemented in Avgorou Community, located in Famagusta. This Project concerns EU countries that are implementing the Erasmus+, as Sending Countries and Cyprus as Hosting and Coordinating Country. Our Project addresses to the following topics: • Creativity and Culture • Health and wellbeing • Healthy Lifestyle-Active aging. So, focused on the above topics,the aim of the EVS Project is to give the opportunity to young volunteers from European and non European Countries to offer their voluntary services by participating in all activities of our organization. In this way the Project promotes muliculturalism, fighting of racism and discriminations of sex, religion, culture, nation etc.

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

The volunteers will live in Avgorou community . Specifically all volunteers will be 8 and they will share the house. Avgorou is a community with five thousands of habitants. Is one of the the Famagusta district villages , called the Red Villages, is half an hour driving from Larnaca, and 20 minutes driving away from the nearest beach. The Organization will provide food and food alloance for the days that the organization will be closed. For Transportation in the village the organization will provide volunteeers bicycles. They can use also public trasportation for going to other areas.

Formazione durante l'attività

Volunteers will participate in an On arrival training and Mid term evaluation providd fron Cyprus National Agency .

Profilo del partecipante

Young people from 18-30 years old, that didn't participated in a long term evs project before. We need youth to be willing to offer their voluntary service to Children and old people , pacient, friendly, with energy and open to new chalanges. To take initiatives and be cooperative with other volunteers , the staff and all organizational members. As additional competence will take place if the volunteer has also experience in other voluntary services.

Data dell'attività

Dal 01/08/2018 al 31/03/2019

Luogo dell'attività

10 , Agiou Georgiou Avion, Avgorou/ Famagusta, Cipro

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Spagna, Irlanda, Italia, Portogallo

Argomenti dell'attività

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 20/06/2018 23:59