EVS Community

EVS Community


Snagov, Romania

1 , Miftuħa

Deskrizzjoni tal-proġett

The main objective for this project is to create, organize and implement models of non-formal educational activities for young people in rural area (Snagov community) as well as for the surrounding communities. The 3 volunteers will create, organize and implement the educational, administrative, sportive and social activities. The volunteers will work 4 days a week with young people in A4ACTION Youth Center. One day per week the volunteers will work all together in our office, planning the upcoming week and preparing the needed materials. The total number of working hours for the volunteer every day is of 6 hours, including the Romanian language courses and other type of activities.


Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

The accommodation will be in a rented apartment situated in the area where activities will take place - Snagov, Ilfov County. Based on this we wanted to offer to future volunteers the possibility to easily integrate themselves in the community. Volunteers accommodation will be done in one apartment (3 persons / apartment) which will be fully equipped with all necessary utilities such as furniture, water, electricity, gas, internet network, stove, fridge and all materials needed for volunteers comfort (linens, towels, duvets, pillows, hangers, pots, etc.).


Profil tal-voluntier

Volunteers with the age between 18 and 30 years also, actively involved in an NGO in their country; we value ambitious youngsters, results orientated, willing to develop him/(her)self and interested in the following areas :  To promote the values of the European Union in the community where the activity will be held; the non-formal education with the youngsters from the respective community;  To be willing to work with other young people with the age between 14 and 30 years old; to develop entrepreneurship; to work with young people with fewer opportunities; to integrate her/himself


Kif għandek tapplika

Send an email with CV and motivation letter to the hosting organization


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dati tal-Proġett

Total ta' ġimgħat: 26 . Perjodu: 01/08/2016 sa 31/01/2017

Il-post tal-proġett

Snagov Romania

Qed ifittxu voluntiera minn


Suġġetti tal-proġett

Iż-żgħażagħ (Parteċipazzjoni, Xogħol taż-Żgħażagħ, Politika dwar iż-Żgħażagħ)

Ċittadinanza tal-UE, l-għarfien tal-UE u d-demokrazija

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni

Ma hemmx skadenza tal-applikazzjoni


Name: Laura Sanz

Phone: +34916590957

Organizzazzjoni ospitanti


Ghermanesti, ir-Rumanija

Organizzazzjoni li tibgħat

Patronato Sociocultural

Alcobendas, Spanja

Organizzazzjoni li tikkoordina


Ghermanesti, ir-Rumanija