Closer and Closer

Closer and Closer

Association Tunissiene pour l’animation Culturelle jenuesse et loisirs

Hammam Sousse, Tunisia

1 , Closed

Lýsing á verkefninu

This project will be developed in Hammam Sousse, Tunis during 10 months. The volunteer tasks will be: - To know how the organization works and what are their intervention areas. - To make a map including all the organizations in Haman Sousse explaining its action area and adding one activity done with them. - To organize an intercultural workshops. - To organize non-formal Spanish lessons. - To participate in non-formal Arabic . - To follow the on-line French training almost. - To create a relationships guide with contacts, workshops, techniques and games to play to encourage animators and other non-formal educators to promote educational uses concerned with gender equality. - To visit rural areas almost two times per month and use the workshops and techniques developed promoting gender equality with kids. - To visit schools where kids are learning Spanish and make small talk with them. - To participate in the hosting organization activities and events.


Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

Accomodation will be covered and also the flights until 275€ Pocket money 91'80€/month Money for food 80€/month


Þjálfun/nám meðan á verkefninu stendur

The volunteer will participate in the pre-departure training, on-arrival training and middle evaluation.


Eiginleikar sem óskað er eftir

we are looking for a female volunteer who speaks English or French, interested in gender equality and proactive.


Hvernig á að sækja um

Please send your CV and motivation letter to


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dagsetningar verkefnisins

[tala] vika(-ur) alls á tímabilinu 21/10/2018 til 20/08/2019

Staðsetning verkefnisins

65 Avenue Habib Bourguiba, 4011 Hammam Sousse Tunisia

Leitar að sjálfboðaliðum frá


Viðfangsefni verkefnisins

Kynjajafnrétti / jöfn tækifæri

Inclusion - equity

Alþjóðlegt samstarf, alþjóðasamskipti, þróunarsamvinna


Umsóknarfresti: 11/10/2018


Name: Helena Lorente

Phone: 648537837



Hammam Sousse, Tunisia



Illescas, Toledo, Spain



Illescas, Toledo, Spain