Closer and Closer

Closer and Closer

Association Tunissiene pour l’animation Culturelle jenuesse et loisirs

Hammam Sousse, Tunisia

1 , Closed

Proje tanımı

This project will be developed in Hammam Sousse, Tunis during 10 months. The volunteer tasks will be: - To know how the organization works and what are their intervention areas. - To make a map including all the organizations in Haman Sousse explaining its action area and adding one activity done with them. - To organize an intercultural workshops. - To organize non-formal Spanish lessons. - To participate in non-formal Arabic . - To follow the on-line French training almost. - To create a relationships guide with contacts, workshops, techniques and games to play to encourage animators and other non-formal educators to promote educational uses concerned with gender equality. - To visit rural areas almost two times per month and use the workshops and techniques developed promoting gender equality with kids. - To visit schools where kids are learning Spanish and make small talk with them. - To participate in the hosting organization activities and events.


Konaklama, yemek ve yol ayarlamaları

Accomodation will be covered and also the flights until 275€ Pocket money 91'80€/month Money for food 80€/month


Proje sırasında eğitim

The volunteer will participate in the pre-departure training, on-arrival training and middle evaluation.


Gönüllü profili

we are looking for a female volunteer who speaks English or French, interested in gender equality and proactive.


Nasıl başvurulur

Please send your CV and motivation letter to


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Proje tarihleri

21/10/2018 ila 20/08/2019 arasını kapsayan sürede toplam 44 hafta

Proje konumu

65 Avenue Habib Bourguiba, 4011 Hammam Sousse Tunisia

Şuradan gönüllüler aranıyor:


Proje konuları

Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği / fırsat eşitliği

Inclusion - equity

Uluslararası işbirliği, uluslararası ilişkiler, kalkınma işbirliği

Son başvuru tarihi

Son başvuru tarihi: 11/10/2018


Name: Helena Lorente

Phone: 648537837

Ev sahibi kuruluş


Hammam Sousse, Tunus

Gönderen kuruluş


Illescas, Toledo, İspanya

Koordinatör kuruluş


Illescas, Toledo, İspanya