Express your EVS

Express your EVS

Aluksne Children and youth center (Alūksnes Bērnu un jauniešu centrs)

Alūksne, Latvia

1 , Closed

Projekto aprašas

Aluksne Children and youth center (ABJC) wants to provide inter-cultural experience and learning possibilities for people from different generations. Children are open-minded and easily adapt themselves in different situations, communicate without any borders. By working with children,volunteers will provide invaluable contribution in inter-cultural learning process, in their personal development, language. Volunteers will learn Latvian language and communicating with children will make it easier. In Aluksne there are different interesting activities for youngsters, and somehow eliminate adults, but ABJC wants to develop intergenerational cooperation in common learning process, highlighting each persons possibility to take part, join and learn together. That will be provided by volunteers, by leading the English club and other activities according to their abilities and wishes. The main aim is to develop people in Aluksne in intergenerational learning process and to wide


Apgyvendinimas, maitinimas ir transportas

A private bedroom with shared cooking area and bathroom. Volunteer will recieve pocket money and food money every month. Volunteer will be picked up at the airport, to go to Aluksne. No public transportation is needed.


Mokymas vykdant projektą

The volunteer will attend on-arrival and mid-term training and will be involved in the dissemination activities.


Kokių savanorių ieškoma?

Open to new experience, flexible, with high sense of responsibility, ready to live in small, quiet town, quite far from big cities. Someone, who is ready to learn and develope oneself and their abilities. Someone, who is interested in working with kids, youngsters and adults.


Kaip pateikti paraišką?

Send us your CV and a covering letter, and we will contact you.


Susijusios nuorodos

Website. Here you can find pictures.

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Projekto datos

Iš viso 40 savaitė (-ės, -ių) nuo 19/09/2016 iki 30/06/2017

Projekto įgyvendinimo vieta

Dārza street 8a, LV-4301 Alūksne Latvia

Ieškoma savanorių iš


Projekto temos

Kūrybiškumas ir kultūra

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Jaunimas (dalyvavimas, darbas su jaunimu, jaunimo politika)

Paraiškų teikimo terminas

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 08/09/2016


Name: Evija Eglite

Priimančioji organizacija

Aluksnes Bernu un jauniesu centrs

Alūksne, Latvija

Siunčiančioji organizacija