Open Discussion with young people of rural areas "New Ideas to construct better communities"
@Youth Board of Cyprus
26/02/2022 16:00
26/02/2022 18:00
[EET] Ħin tal-Ewropa tal-Lvant
The Youth Board of Cyprus organizes an open discussion with the young people of Ammochostos rural areas in order to give them the space and chance to express their ideas, views, opinions on various issues of young people's lives.
By recording their ideas and challenges, the Youth Board aims at developing targeted actions and programmes in order to respond to young people's needs and expectations.
Format tal-attività | Bi preżenza wiċċ imb wiċċ |
Tibda fi | 26/02/2022 16:00 |
Jispiċċa fi | 26/02/2022 18:00 |
Żona tal-ħin | [EET] Ħin tal-Ewropa tal-Lvant |
Organizzata minn | Youth Board of Cyprus |
Sit web tal-organizzazzjoni | |
Email ta’ kuntatt | |
Medda ta’ età fil-mira | 14-17; 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; Aktar minn 35 sena |
Lingwa tal-attività | Grieg |
Tip ta’ attività | Laqgħa |
Temi tal-attività | Parteċipazzjoni u involviment |
Ibbukkjar | Tista’ tiġi – mhu meħtieġ ebda bbukkjar |
Aċċessibbiltà għas-siġġijiet tar-roti | Aċċess sħiħ bil-wheelchair |
Għanijiet taż-Żgħażagħ din l-attività hija marbuta ma’ | Soċjetajiet Inklużivi; Informazzjoni u Djalogu Kostruttiv; Appoġġ għall-Iżvilupp taż-Żgħażagħ Rurali |
Relatata mal-Konferenza dwar il-Futur tal-Ewropa | Le |
Numru ta’ parteċipanti mistennija (stima) | 60 |