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15th International Conference for Cultural Tourism in Europe & Awards

Overall theme:
‘Relaunching European Tourism through Cultural Heritage & Digitalisation’

The 2022 Conference & Awards address the following heritage-related aspects, in terms of sustainable cultural tourism development and promotion:
1. Cooperation between Museums and Cultural Heritage Sites (including European Heritage Label sites, in relation to the ‘ReInHerit’ Horizon2020 Coordination and Support Action)
2. Medieval Heritage and Archaeology (supported by EAA – European Association of Archaeologists)
3. Digitalisation in Sustainable Cultural Tourism, towards Smart Destinations
4. Transnational Thematic Tourism Products, including European Cultural Routes (involving at least two countries)
5. Promoting European Heritage to Young Visitors and Travellers (in the framework of the ‘European Year of Youth 2022’)

Activity details
Activity format With face-to-face presence
Starts on 19/10/2022 18:00
Ends on 23/10/2022 14:00
Timezone [CET] Central European Time
Organised by European Cultural Tourism Network (ECTN)
Organisation website
Contact email
Target age range 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; Over 35
Language of the activity English
Type of activity Conference
Activity topics Participation & engagement; European values; Youth and the world; Inclusion & equality; Culture; Digital; Research & innovation; Друго
Booking Booking always necessary – see details
Wheelchair accessibility Partially wheelchair accessible
Youth Goals this activity is linked to Connecting EU with Youth; Inclusive Societies; Information & Constructive Dialogue; Space and Participation for All; Sustainable Green Europe
Related to the Conference on the Future of Europe Не
Number of expected participants (estimate) 120