Pool van jonge journalisten in Europa (editie 2024) — Onze negen getalenteerde jonge journalisten
Onze negen getalenteerde jonge journalisten kwamen in Brussel bijeen om elkaar te ontmoeten, hun schrijftalent verder te ontwikkelen, praktijkervaring op te doen met het werk van de Europese Commissie en te brainstormen voor de artikelen die zij op de Europese Jongerensite gaan publiceren.
Tijdens hun bezoek aan de Europese Commissie en het Europees Parlement op 12 februari konden zij kennismaken met de wereld van institutionele communicatie. Op het programma stond onder andere de dagelijkse persbriefing van de Commissie.
De eerste pool van jonge journalisten in Europa werd opgezet in het kader van het Europees Jaar van de Jeugd (EJJ). De huidige lichting is alweer de derde.
De jonge journalisten zijn nu klaar om aan de slag te gaan en artikelen te schrijven en podcasts en video’s te maken. Zij zetten zich volop in om hun schrijftalent verder te ontwikkelen en pakkende teksten te schrijven voor de jongeren in Europa. Houd onze site in de gaten om ze de komende maanden te volgen.
Alannah Wrynn
“My name is Alannah Wrynn and I am an Irish nineteen-year-old studying History and Politics at Trinity College Dublin. I come from a farming background in rural West Cork and have been campaigning as a climate activist since the age of sixteen when I joined the Future Generations Climate Justice Project and began campaigning for sustainable food production methods.”
Emanuele Gessi
“In between quiet and chaos, reality and ideas. My hair and eyes are brown, my nose is straight and I have a bit of a beard. I like my khaki backpack, Bolaño and working in the open air.”
Emma Brownrigg Fenech
“Raised by political discussions, I've forged a deep interest in societal change. Presently, I serve as the Vice-President of my college. In 2022, I made my parliamentary debut. I eagerly anticipate engaging in global dialogue. Journalism and politics aside I enjoy rock and metal music. My commitment remains steadfast—to utilise media as a catalyst for meaningful societal transformation.”
Emma Örjas
“Currently engaged in Social and Environmental Studies, I serve as the Head of Marketing on the board of my university. Additionally, I work in management consulting and contribute to the NGO Hand in Hand, alternating between paid and voluntary roles. Beyond my academic and professional pursuits, I have a keen interest in sports, sustainability, and writing. By joining the Pool of young journalists in Europe, I aspire to integrate my passion for storytelling with global issues.”
Greta Orehhova
“In recent years, I've been really involved with human rights, volunteering, youth work, and Erasmus+. Since 2022, I've also joined the EuroPeers network where my interest in journalism grew because I write about Erasmus+ experiences. When I have free time, I like to travel, learn about new cultures and people, spend time with those closest to me, and make someone smile every day.”
Hanna Fodor
“Right now, I'm in high school but I plan to study communication and media at university. I want to be a journalist one day. I have interests in lots of different areas like human rights, volunteering, worldwide events, feminism, and societal problems. That's why I'm thrilled to work on this project. When I have free time, you can usually find me listening to music and collecting CDs.”
Juliana Zammit
“I have loved writing and telling stories since I was little. Over time, I've grown to enjoy learning and researching new things. I also studied photography for two years, which taught me to see the world differently and find beauty in ordinary things. I hope to tell many stories through words and pictures.”
Lennard Platz
“I'm studying Media Management and Journalism. I've travelled to lots of places in Europe and met different people. My friend and I run a small radio show where we talk to new German musicians. We work to make the show fun for everyone, young and old. I'm curious about sports, music, and culture, and I'm always ready for new ideas or projects that can help people meet and make new things.”
Nina Palermo
“A high school student from Italy, I also work in project management and serve on the Municipal Youth Council as an elected young politician. I'm a Youth European Ambassador for the European Parliament's 'Build EU' programme . I am proud to work as a young journalist with the Eurodesk programme.”