No 11/04/2024 10:00 līdz 11/04/2024 11:00 - [EET] Austrumeiropas laiks
Tersefanou Stadium, 7562, Larnaka, Kipra
Our group will organized a youth meeting in order to promote PEACE and FREEDOM.
Young participants will create a flash mob.
The will hold some papers, writing messages and about peace and dialogue and later with their bodies will sit down in the floor and do a human letters activity.
with their bodies will create the word FREEDOM.
In the activity we will have also a drone, which will take panoramic video and photos and after the meeting we will make a nice video to promote the European values of Freedom and peace as well to promote the European youth week
Young participants will create a flash mob.
The will hold some papers, writing messages and about peace and dialogue and later with their bodies will sit down in the floor and do a human letters activity.
with their bodies will create the word FREEDOM.
In the activity we will have also a drone, which will take panoramic video and photos and after the meeting we will make a nice video to promote the European values of Freedom and peace as well to promote the European youth week
Pasākuma formāts
- Klātienē
Pasākuma temati
- Democracy & elections, Līdzdalība un iesaistīšanās, Iekļaušana un daudzveidība, Veselība, labjutība un sports, ES jaunatnes programmas
Pasākuma valoda
- angļu
- Enosi Neon Agion Anargiron Larnakas
Pasākuma veids
- Māksliniecisks priekšnesums
Organizatora tīmekļvietne
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/37850012199
E-pasta adrese saziņai
- neolaiaenaal@gmail.com
Paredzamais dalībnieku skaits
- 50
- Nē
Jaunatnes mērķi
- ES un jauniešu saiknes veidošana, Informācija un konstruktīvs dialogs, Telpa un līdzdalība visiem, Jauniešu organizācijas un Eiropas programmas