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Visual of the Local EYE Berlin

No 18/04/2024 09:00 līdz 20/04/2024 17:00 - [CET] Centrāleiropas laiks

Berlin, Vācija

Local EYE Berlin

The event comprises a series of activities including opening and closing ceremonies, workshops, job fest, active Europe Fair, Euroconcert, plenary session, youth-plenary session and more social components. The activities are based aroud five pillars: the European Elections, Peaceful Europe, Sustainable Europe, Skilled Europe, Capacity-building of youth BGSOs. The aim of the event is to provide the youth with the opportunity to engage with the EU policy-makers, society organisations and their peers; to create a dynamic, interactive and multicultural environment where the European youth can express their views and experiences as well as their challenges, to increase awareness amongst the youth about the coming elections and to empower them to use their right to vote.

The proposed methods used within the activities of the local EYE will be in addition to already mentioned also: inspirational speeches, interactive debate competition, speech performance, and creation of shorter-form videos, treasure hunt, cultural performances, art and photo exhibitions, information corners, interactive presentations and other. For the promotion and raising the visibility of the platform an activity “Walk of good ideas for the future of EU” will be offered throughout all days of the local EYE.

Anyone between 16-30 years old can join the activities, discuss key issues and share ideas on the future of Europe.

Get involved in European democracy, meet other young Europeans and make your voice heard in your local EYE – all we need is you!


  • Pasākuma formāts

  • Hibrīdpasākums (tiešsaistē un klātienē)
  • Pasākuma temati

  • Democracy & elections, Līdzdalība un iesaistīšanās, Eiropas vērtības, Iekļaušana un daudzveidība, Veselība, labjutība un sports, Izglītība, Jaunatne un pasaule, ES jaunatnes programmas
  • Languages of the activity

  • angļu, vācu
  • Organizators

  • European Youth Parliament
  • Pasākuma veids

  • Cits
  • Booking/Registration

  • Rezervācija ir obligāta (sk. sīkāk)
  • E-pasta adrese saziņai

  • Paredzamais dalībnieku skaits

  • 2200
  • Piekļuve ar ratiņkrēslu

  • Pilnīga piekļuve ar ratiņkrēslu
  • Surdotulkojums

  • Jaunatnes mērķi

  • ES un jauniešu saiknes veidošana, Dzimumu līdztiesība, Iekļaujoša sabiedrība, Informācija un konstruktīvs dialogs, Garīgā veselība un labjutība, Jauniešu organizācijas un Eiropas programmas