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Van 12/04/2024 11:45 tot 12/04/2024 12:45 - [CET] Centraal-Europese tijd


Rural is also IN! Young people and agriculture

In a discussion with representatives from DG AGRI, rural young people will have the chance to share their life experiences. In the first part, DG AGRI representatives will explain what the Common Agricultural Policy does for young people in agriculture and rural areas. In the second part, the participants will be invited to discuss in small groups the opportunities and challenges for young people in rural areas. In the third part, each group will present their conclusions to the whole audience. This will be followed by an interactive discussion between DG AGRI representatives and the participants. The session will last 60 minutes.


  • Formaat van de activiteit

  • Met persoonlijke aanwezigheid
  • Thema

  • Werkgelegenheid, Economie & financiën, Klimaat & milieu
  • Taal van de activiteit

  • Engels
  • Georganiseerd door

  • Soort activiteit

  • Workshop
  • Verwacht aantal deelnemers

  • 25
  • Vertolking in gebarentaal

  • Nee
  • Jongerendoelstellingen

  • Plattelandsjongeren vooruithelpen, Duurzaam groen Europa