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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

18 Apr 2019

“There will definitely be a place for Virtual Exchange in my future career”

Ivan and Alex, both 23 and both Bulgarian, have just completed the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange TEP training for youth organisations and will be going to Uganda in June to work on developing youth projects.

“During the training, we brainstormed on how to use technology in youth work and how it can help us gain a wider perspective”, Ivan highlighted. The training for youth organisations provides participants with an introduction to Virtual Exchange and Transnational Exchange Projects (TEPs) through a learning-by-doing approach.

Both youth workers agree it was a very enriching experience: “It gave us ideas on how to communicate better, and I really believe that communicating with open-minded people can help you reach your goal. The more connections you have around the world, the more you understand others”, adds Alex.

Ivan ensures Virtual Exchange will be part of his future career: “I learned that I work well in a team and I am not sure what the future holds for me in terms of work as I am exploring all kinds of avenues right now, but there will definitely be a place for Virtual Exchange”.

“I would definitely recommend it” says Alex, however he believes the experience isn’t for everyone: “You have to realise that it takes small steps to make a lasting impact on society. It doesn’t happen overnight or anything. But learning those interpersonal skills and how to communicate with people, is essential in helping others realise their full potential”.

Express your interest and secure your place now in the next TEP training for youth organisations!


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