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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

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Facilitation Trainings

Facilitators act as third parties who help groups have constructive, respectful and authentic dialogue and learning process.

Age of participation: 
Who is it for: Young People, Educators, Youth Workers

Facilitators are an important part of Virtual Exchange programmes. They are trained to act as third parties who help groups have constructive, respectful and authentic dialogue and learning process.

They learn how to utilize a diverse set of facilitation tools to foster constructive communication and safe space, promote critical thinking and address group dynamics.

During the training, participants will gain:

  • An opportunity to get hands-on experience facilitating cross-cultural dialogue.
  • Extensive training relevant to both in-person and online group facilitation.
  • 21st century skills such as leadership, critical thinking and problem solving, cross cultural communication and collaboration.
  • Access to an international community of professionals from a variety of fields.

There are two different training formats:

Introduction to Dialogue Facilitation:

o   4-week 10-hour paced online course

o   Focuses on foundations of dialogue facilitation and the basic facilitation tools

o   No previous experience required

o   Approximate weekly commitment: 2-3 hours

Advanced Facilitation Training

o   20-hour online training with live training sessions

o   Focuses on advanced dialogue facilitation skills and techniques

o   Requires previous experience on facilitation or mediation on aligned dialogue model

o   Approximate weekly commitment: 4 hours

Successful completion of the Advanced Facilitation Training and practicum qualifies participants to facilitate in various Virtual Exchange programmes and receive United Nations endorsed certificates.