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Learn a language while travelling

Last updated on Monday, 13/11/2023

Find out how your trip abroad can help you improve your fluency.

  1. Just have a go! Even if you’re a beginner, you need to practice and you’ll learn more by making mistakes. Ask people to speak to you in their language even if they’re fluent in yours. If they switch to your language, keep using theirs. Don’t struggle to form long and complex sentences – but do try to speak clearly.
  2. Put down your books. Don’t spend too much time learning vocabulary lists or studying grammar books. Experiencing the language is the best way to learn. Ask local friends to teach you how to pronounce words correctly, it’s much better than a phonetic transcription.  To remember words, try putting sticky notes on objects around your room.
  3. It’s not all about the language. Immerse yourself in local culture and customs, too. Read about the country and ask local people questions. Listen to music you like in the language – you’ll learn new words without even trying.
  4. Be curious. Read articles and books in the language on subjects you’re interested in (e.g. on video games or a favourite sport.). This will help you make conversation. Other fun ways to improve your language skills include reading blogs, listening to podcasts and watching videos with subtitles in the original language.
  5. Get out and meet people. Go to social events (like parties or student meetings) and make new friends in the language. Or try and set up a language exchange (or tandem) with a native speaker for a couple of hours a week – it’s the perfect way to practise.


Online linguistic support

Are you going to take part in an Erasmus+ programme? The Erasmus+ online linguistic support website will help you assess your skills in the foreign language(s) you will use to study, work or volunteer abroad. If you are selected for Erasmus+, you can also follow an online language course to improve your language skills after the initial assessment.


Useful links

  • Duolingo - app for learning or improving your language skills. 
  • Busuu - learn a language in ten minutes a day. 
  • Polyglotclub: – find people all over the world to practice the language and teach them yours.
  • Language Learning Portal – find a language course or school anywhere.


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