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European Solidarity Corps

Iceland is a full member of the European Solidarity Corps. Young people can therefore apply to be volunteers in Iceland on equal footings as in other ESC countries. European citizens do not need a visa for Iceland, Iceland is in the European Economic Area and Schengen. The European Solidarity Corps is an EU funded programme that provides support and funding for young people to spend some time doing voluntary work in their own country or abroad in projects that benefit communities and people. Once you are accepted onto a European Solidarity Corps project, all your expenses (rent, food, transport, insurance, visa procedures, language classes) are covered by the project, and you even get a bit of pocket money to enjoy your experience fully! Your travel costs are also covered although there may be a minimal contribution required. Volunteering teams are solidarity activities allowing teams of 10 to 40 European Solidarity Corps participants from at least two different countries to volunteer together for a period between two weeks and two months. Such solidarity activities could especially contribute to the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in the European Solidarity Corps.

More information and organisations active in this field


International Youth Exchange, AUS, is a non-governmental organization that sends and receives young people for volunteer work. The organization is run by young people for young people, with a non-profit ideal. Our ideal is to fight against prejudice through cultural exchange of young people and to give young people aged 18-30 the opportunity to experience new cultures in a safe but beneficial way. AUS is a member of the international organization ICYE, International Cultural Youth Exchange, but the organization also receives volunteers to Iceland through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), which is part of the European Union's youth program.


Founded in 2005, SEEDS Iceland is an Icelandic non-governmental, non-profit volunteer organisation designed to promote intercultural understanding, environmental protection and awareness through work on environmental, social and cultural projects within Iceland. SEEDS works closely with local communities, local authorities, individuals and other Icelandic associations both to develop projects in partnership, aimed at fulfilling an identified need, and to give vital assistance to established initiatives. Projects are designed to be mutually beneficial to all involved: the volunteers, the local hosting communities and Iceland as a whole. Our projects in Iceland are supported by the local hosts and the volunteers participating in the project themselves; additionally we receive strong support for our long-term projects from the Youth in Action and Life Long Learning programmes of the European Commission. Since 2005 SEEDS has hosted nearly 8000 international and local volunteers in our projects all around Iceland.

The Icelandic Red Cross

Voluntary service is one of the main principles of our operations and allows us to react to needs and emergencies in a swift and organized manner. The Icelandic Red Cross and the entire Red Cross Movement is based on voluntary helping. The Icelandic Red Cross is a part of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the world’s largest humanitarian network that brings together almost 14 million volunteers. In Iceland there are around 2300 volunteer in every corner of the country. The activities are diverse and most

Interesting links

Your rights as a volunteer in Iceland

It is a violation of Icelandic workers right to have volunteers replace employees in a regular job. In Iceland, volunteer work is only acceptable in case of charities and cultural or humanitarian activities. Employment contracts stipulating less favourable terms than those provided for in collective agreements are invalid. Please contact the unions for further information and assistance. All jobs and industries in Iceland are covered by collective agreements.