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© European Union 2024

2025 European Solidarity Corps call is open: are you ready to make a change?

L-aħħar aġġornament sar fi Il-Ġimgħa, 29/11/2024

Today, the European Commission has launched the 2025 European Solidarity Corps call for proposals, providing a unique opportunity for young people to get involved in life-changing experiences and make a positive impact across the EU and beyond.

With a total budget of €166 million for 2025, the European Solidarity Corps has seen an exceptional increase compared to previous years, due to the redeployment of unused funds from Covid-19 years. The programme supports a wide range of activities: from individual volunteering to team-based volunteering in high priorities areas, humanitarian aid operations, as well as youth-led solidarity projects. Dedicated actions continue to provide relief to people fleeing the Russian war in Ukraine.

The new European Solidarity Corps call for proposals is now open. Don’t miss the chance to get involved and apply! The deadlines for this call fall between 11 February and 1 October 2025, depending on the type of activity.

Together with the call, the Commission has released the European Solidarity Corps 2021-2023 Report, showcasing the programme’s impact and success stories. This report highlights inspiring examples of resilience and solidarity, demonstrating how young people and organisation have faced the Covid-19 pandemic, responded to natural disasters, and helped Ukrainian refugees over the past years. 

Did you know that in 2021-2023, the programme offered opportunities to more than 66.000 in addressing societal and humanitarian challenges? Explore the European Solidarity Corps’ achievements in the report  and be inspired by the powerful stories of young people who have made a difference!