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Young people running © European Union

‘Europe on the Move’ – learning mobility opportunities for everyone

poslední aktualizace středa, 13/12/2023

Young people interested in studying, training and learning abroad – this one is for you! We have a great news! The EU is increasing the opportunities for learning mobilities for every young person in Europe.


With the new proposal for a Council Recommendation ‘Europe on the Move’ – learning mobility opportunities for everyone, the EU aims to make learning opportunities abroad more accessible for all young people. also for young people with fewer opportunities, including disabled persons. It also promotes the attractiveness of the EU as a learning destination to talents from all over the world.  

This proposal is a key part of the European Education Area (EEA) aiming to make learning mobility an integral part of all education and training pathways, to boost the share of people in the EU benefiting from a learning period abroad.  

The proposal includes 3 new EU-level targets by 2030:

          - at least 25% of graduates in higher education should have a learning mobility experience, up from the present target of 20%

          - at least 15% of vocational learners in vocational education and training (VET) should benefit from a learning mobility abroad, up from the previous target of 8% for 2025

          - at least 20% of all learners benefiting from learning mobility abroad - in all education and training, and youth and sport systems – should be people with fewer opportunities

This proposal builds on the evidence gathered from over 1 000 inputs in response to the call for evidence as well as a public consultation and dedicated stakeholder consultations. 

An important part in building the proposal were the 21 recommendations of the European Citizens' Learning Mobility Panel, where more than a third of the participants were young people 16-25 from all over Europe.  

Check out more information on: Europe on the Move - a proposal on the future of learning mobility