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Youth Policy Dialogue: “European Degree and Learning Mobility” with Commissioner Iliana Ivanova

L-aħħar aġġornament sar fi It-Tnejn, 22/04/2024

Watch live the Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Iliana Ivanova

In the context of the European Youth Week 2024 and to foster youth engagement in EU policymaking, Commissioner Iliana Ivanova is hosting a Youth Policy Dialogue on "European Degree and Learning Mobility" on 19 April in Brussels. This Policy Dialogue will bring together 17 dynamic young individuals from diverse backgrounds across the EU.

The primary objective of a Youth Policy Dialogue is to provide a platform for young voices to contribute to the EU's policy-making processes. By actively involving European youth, the European Commission seeks to ensure that its policies are reflective of the aspirations and concerns of the younger generation.

This Policy Dialogue serves as a pivotal platform for Commissioner Ivanova to not only lend an ear but also gain profound insights into the perceptions and aspirations of European youth. By fostering an environment of open dialogue, Commissioner Ivanova aims to bridge the gap between the EU policy-making echelons and the vibrant youth demographic.

This Policy Dialogue is scheduled to last approximately two hours and aims to address key issues surrounding education and learning mobility in Europe. It will be streamed live on the European Youth Week website, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all interested individuals.

As young people from diverse backgrounds converge to participate in this dialogue, anticipation mounts regarding the actionable outcomes that will emerge.

Commissioner Ivanova is determined to use the knowledge and skills of young people to shape a European education system characterised by inclusiveness and mobility.