In einer vor Kurzem durchgeführten Umfrage haben wir herausgefunden, dass 32 % der jungen Europäer gerne in einem anderen EU-Land studieren, eine Ausbildung machen oder arbeiten möchten – doch nur 12 % tun es tatsächlich.

Wie können wir es mehr jungen Menschen ermöglichen, auch in anderen EU-Ländern zu leben und Arbeits-, Studien- oder Freiwilligendienstplätze zu finden? Wie würdest du andere junge Menschen dazu ermutigen, doch einmal herauszufinden, wie es ist, in einem anderen Land zu leben und europäische Mitbürger kennenzulernen? Wie könnte man deiner Meinung nach das Leben und Arbeiten im Ausland für alle realistischer und lohnenswerter machen?


Let's try to end the violation of free movement rights (and related to that, many other rights such as education and participation to EU funded programmes) of Turkish Cypriots or residents in Cyprus who were not born to parents from Cyprus. This would also lead the Cypriot youth to integrate into an ideal united island with the equal rights.In 2016, I find it discriminative to decide not to give some of the main rights of human beings, just because their parents were not born in a specific place.
Promote medium-term housing. In Italy the fiscally favored contract is 3 years with 6 month time to leave it. With 1-years contracts, you risk paying half the times thenew home but also the home you leave behind!
In #OurEurope young ppl should be able to find a job without bureaucratic hurdles of national borders.#YouthLabourMobility #EUnarrative
Free language courses (or, ideally, obligatory studying of at least two foreign languages starting with first year of primary school), help with finding jobs in various sectors and financial help for the first month or two, scholarships.
I'm located in Africa, Rwanda I have yearned to study in europe but always fail due to the many difficulties within application procedures especially for poor students.So, as Erasmus which was created to easen that thing, I beg to demonstrate some easiest means to submit online application especially for EU scholarships. Unless you may also spread your offices in many countries around the world.After that it will be easier to get your services because they are most required for us, as skillful students that are poor financially and advisely.I thank you a lot and ready to hearing from you.
I believe that travelling, working around the world or just studying in another country is a huge experience for anyone so they can improve themselves and learn how to live by their own, being independent and making their own decisions. I admit also that these activities require money, but this is not a major problem, because we can have a scholarship or we can make a loan for students. Erasmus Plus is one of the perfect example.
I believe that travelling, working around the world or just studying in another country is a huge experience for anyone so they can improve themselves and learn how to live by their own, being independent and making their own decisions. I admit also that these activities require money, but this is not a major problem, because we can have a scholarship or we can make a loan for students. Erasmus Plus is one of the perfect example.
In my opinion, firstly it is necessary to make more information among young people about the functioning of Erasmus + program. In fact from my experience, I realised that youths don't know very well all opportunties of mobility in Europe. They think that Erasmus is only for studying abroad and it is only for university students. They also think that it's too expensive to stay some months in another Country, and that they can't afford it. Instead, the Erasmus + program offers them a lot of different opportunities, not only in terms of study but also work, volunteer work, sport, training. And the European Union offers financial aids to youths who want to do an experience abroad. Secondly, it needs to make the procedure easier. In my experience, the thing that I have found more difficult is to find out an accomodation. For this reason I think that it is necessary to create a website which makes in contact tenants and Erasmus students who are seeking an appartment abroad. Furthermore it would be nice that young people were host by families in exchange of houseworking or babysitting.