Taj sadržaj trenutačno nije dostupan na sljedećem jeziku: Hrvatski

Congratulations – you are now President of the European Union!

(Let's pretend for a second that a Presidential role exists and it’s you!)

As the President, you can decide what the most important issues are for Europe.  What would you change to make things better? How would you do that?

In reality, decision-making in the EU is a complex process and does not lie in the hands of just one institution or person. Generally, the European Commission proposes laws which then need to be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council. Each of the EU’s institutions has its own President but they don’t have absolute power, and they can’t interfere in EU countries’ authority.


I would immidiately stop the two speed Europan oppressive strategy and austerity measures enforced on the south. Europe wasn't created to model the German model but to curb it remember!? Also creativity and creative jobs are lacking. Neoliberal capitalism is showing its ugly face and the young generation is suffering. Creative jobs need to be developed, not only accountants and computer scientists prospering but every young talented person! The European Parliament needs to be granted more powers, after all isnt that the institution of the people!? We need less Brussels-Germany suffocating beaurocracy and more creativity, flexibility and joy back in the EU... True leadership is needed for this, which is lacking
I would 'Brussels' make smaller and more efficient. And make the EU a true federal state with space for individual member states and collectively for defense, security, environment, health and the like. Detailed abolish regulations. DeEU is not a sheltered workshop for civil servants.
Hard to say. There are so many things one could do from such a position, but it also depends on what limits such a function would have. For starters I'd make sure that the president has to respect some form of autonomy for member states. At least when it comes to internal politics. This way we can avoid complications due to național pride or egoism. That aside I'd concentrate mainly on security and foreign policy, where I think a EU's presidents attributes should be. First I'd try to develop a clear strategy about common European interests based on the interests of all member states and on our values. Then I'd try to see what threats, vulnerabilities and risks are out there and give them a clear response.În this regard I'd say that the EU needs a common foreign policy, a greater emphasis on EU battlegroups as an option to be sent în areas where we have geopolitical interests and, în essence, act like what we actually are: an Empire în the middle of different civilizations. În this regard everything affects us and we need to stabilize areas like the middle east through peacekeeping and peacebuilding operations so as to stop terrorism and the refugee crisis.After that I'd look forward to strenghtening the EU's partnership with the US and a common goal of upholding internațional law, eventually punishing those that break it. As it's the case with Russia as to discourage a precedent. În this regard the EU needs strong armed forces and more power for european institutions. The first is needed for deterrence and the second for a solid foreign policy. That wouldnt mean we need an idealistic foreign policy. Interests should be taken into account. The Ukraine crisis solution requires a middle ground between russian interests and respect for internațional law.
1. Stablish English as a common language. This can eliminate barriers in Education and employment.2. Education for all and mandatory to highschool.3. Training for everyone (one year) in a different EU country.4. A space program collaboration between NASA, ESA and other spaces agencies to go to Mars.5. A real control system to EU banks, to avoid future problems and foreign dependency.6. More jobs to young people. It's a huge problem right now in Europe.7. Integrate more EU countries as a one nation: United States of Europe.
50/50 Job Back- anybody out of work over 2 years- employer takes them on full time + trains them- pays 50% of normal weeks pay- State pays 50% of whatever benefits person is on- keeps any Services card- minimum 2 years- Employer cannot have made redundancies in area over previous 2 years- no 'claims' / paperwork / any other stuff.- Simple
I would try to bring a team of people that really care about our future and make with them the start of free and intelligent economy.
Primero me tendria que casarme con una europea, en Peru hay union europea , pero no pertenece a ese grupo de paises, digamos para tener mas socios en al union europea y tener mas facil acceso al comercio y relaciones internacionales. Evitar los intermediarios, lo cual proporcionaria precios mas bajos, incentivaria el comercio internacional, digamos a los problemas de financiamiento en europa y la baja en algunos bancos. Problemas sobre el petroleo y posibles manipulaciones economicas. propuse el alcohol como combustible renobable. Para evitar muchos problemas. LO QUE PODRIA TENER UN REPRESENTANTE EN LA UNION EUROPEA devido que tiene que nacer en uno de esos paises que conforman en la union europea. Los temas que propongo podrian incrementar el desarrollo de europa.
(1) First order of business, I would set environmental protection as № 1 priority for all initiatives and legislation.It is shocking how calm the general population seems concerning the combined imminent threat of global warming, air pollution and population growth. This leads to:(2) Raising people's awareness (in all countries) of the way society functions in the 21st century - where your food, clothes and energy come from - and implementing a circular economy lifestyle. This requires, inter alia:(2.1) Moving education to the shared competences of the EU and the Member States (so, reforming the Treaties is inevitable; strong will and skillful legislators are necessary for the task) for the purpose of:(2.1.1) Reforming educational systems of all Member States (with a tailored approach, of course) from elementary school until university to better reflect the massive collection of practical knowledge we now have of the world that the people of the 20th century did not (greater focus on IT, engineering, natural sciences, genetics, nutritional science etc.). Many of the teaching models are now severely outdated and the content lags behind the technological progress. The children of tomorrow should have as their basic knowledge how to engineer devices to create wireless connection, how to generate electricity from the sun, the wind, the water; they should know how to code, how to grow crops. These should no longer be taught as separate disciplines in universities! They should be part of our children's fundamental competences!(2.1.2) Bridging the gap between education and work. Unemployment results from (1) people who do not want to work, (2) people who cannot work), and (3) people who cannot find work). Solving it is a matter of organizing the labour market in coordination with the human capital coming out of schools and universities. A unified (online) platform can be created where academic specializations correspond to the available job vacancies for the following year. Meaning, if I want to study computer science, the platform should provide me with information regarding the number of people also applying for the same discipline and the number of job positions available for the next year. That way people will be able to adjust their interests and expectations to the reality of the labour market more accurately. I know, it is ambitious and requires reforming the Employment and Social Policy Titles of the Treaties (so, reforming the Treaties, yay!).(2.2) Facilitating recycling through better urban planning and investing in more recycling facilities instead of landfills;(2.3) City transport should run on renewable energy.And last, but not least:(3) Reducing reliance on the animal industry. Few people know that the animal industry is the largest contributor of GHG emissions. It is reflected in recent reports of WHO and the IPCC that plant-based diets would result in benefits for the environment and the human health. Greater awareness of that fact is necessary on a Union level. The good thing here is that we already have the necessary legal basis (Article 191 TFEU) to introduce a scientifically backed nutritional regime from which we, as humans, and the rest of the planet would profit.Thank you to whoever decides to read this.
i'd start by doing something simple and very necessarya trans-european referendum to make may 9th an off day.