
Introducing this study into geography or law lessons at high school and increasing the reading of this section of newspapers into schools.
Hello, I was part of a couple youth exchange short term projects of Erasmus +, it was an amazing experience, I learned a lot and enjoyed every second of it. But as I was investigating more organisations to find more opportunities I noticed that many organisations are making a reasonable profit of this thing that should be 'non profit'. They charge around 100 euros as an administrative fee and I think this amount is too high. I saw some charging 160 euros and more. I would never bat an eye on it, but I can clearly see that the prices are going even up, so if this is an administrative fee, the quality of customer service should go up too (I mean offices and so on), but that is not happening. So obviously many organisations see it as an opportunity to get profit easily, especially from young participants that are not aware about many opportunities that are free or charge way less. The thing is that they introduce these projects to the public as a 'trip' so therefore people think it's an amazing trip because it's so cheap! When in fact they get funds from EU and it's not exactly a 'holiday trip'.My point is the EU commission or whoever is responsible for approving projects, funds and organisations, should pay more attention to that 'entry fee' that varies in a huge amplitude of prices. There are many people who are living luxurious because of these projects and offering shitty and unprofessional services for all the participants. Yes, I have experience in dealing with this type of people.
Investing in the promotion of the E.U. opportunities for youngsters, such as in the field of education, culture and volunteering (Erasmus+ Programme), by media campaigns, giving resources to NGOs and associations so as to spread what E.U. can positively offer to the professional and personal development of young people.