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Europske snage solidarnosti

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Communications Volunteer, Ulster Wildlife 2019 (LISTED COUNTRIES ONLY)

Ulster Wildlife Trust Limited

Ulster Wildlife

Belfast, Ujedinjena Kraljevina


A communications volunteer is sought for Ulster Wildlife. The volunteer will assist with communications & fundraising, helping raise its profile, engagement & support with members & key audiences. The volunteer will work closely with the Communications Officer to promote the organisation through a range of communications channels including social media, website, media, print & public events. Main responsibilities: -Digital communications: write & manage updates for social media channels & website; report on analytics & take photos & videos for promotion -Media: draft & issue press releases, evaluate media coverage & update media contact lists -Print: assist with the development of printed publications -Events: assist with event management & promotion, & supporting public activities -Fundraising: assist with membership administration work (data entry & producing correspondence), preparing Welcome packs, filing membership forms & other information relating to membership

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

Volunteers will live in shared accommodation in South or East Belfast, along with EVS volunteers from other projects. Volunteers will have their own bedroom and will share kitchen, living room & bathroom. Volunteers will receive food money and volunteer allowance weekly and will be provided with bus cards for local travel.

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

The volunteer will receive induction and orientation on arrival. Training will be given in a range of areas but some experience of fundraising, marketing or PR would be useful but is not essential They will be registered onto the OLS system to support language learning. The volunteer will attend the EVS On Arrival Training and Mid-Term Evaluation.

Profil sudionika

•A high level of spoken & especially written English is needed, as are great communications skills & the ability to engage with a wide range of people •Enjoy working as part of a small team, but also on own initiative without direct supervision •Excellent IT skills with knowledge of Microsoft Office packages •Experience of using a range of social media channels, publishing platforms and a website content management system •Basic photography & video production skills that can be built on in the role, with ideally some experience of using Adobe Photoshop/Premiere Pro •From a country listed

Datumi aktivnosti

Od 01/04/2019 Do 31/03/2020

Lokacija aktivnosti

Belfast, Ujedinjena Kraljevina

Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Njemačka, Španjolska, Finska, Francuska, Mađarska, Portugal

Teme aktivnosti

Rok za prijavu

Rok za prijavu: 27/01/2019 23:59