Save the Green!
Legambiente Toscana APS
Legambiente Toscana
Firenze, Italia
The project will involve a total of four volunteers for eight months and will take place in different places of Florence and in Tuscan countryside. All activities of the project will be related to environmental issues and education at school, maintenance of green and protected areas, and active participation in the community national and at local, European level. In particular, volunteers will take part in two different contexts: one is the office of Legambiente in Florence and the correlated activities in the city (campaigns, events, EVS promotion, environmental education at school); another one is the natural context of Tuscany countryside (parks and protected areas managed by Legambiente). The EVS team will contribute to preserve biodiversity and environment through an ecological and sustainable approach and will promote a dialogue and a cultural exchange within our community.
Alloggio, vitto e trasporto
Volunteers will live all together in an apartment in Florence, fully expensed. Besides this, each of them will receive monthly food money, pocket money and transport. Also travel costs will be refunded. Furthermore, for each activity, the Organization will provide the suitable equipment, if necessary.
Formazione durante l'attività
During first month volunteers will attend an Italian course in order to improve the language and allow them to familiarize with local culture. Then there will be trainings, workshops and seminars about environmental issues, the mai theme of Legambiente. The methods for developing these skills are informal and non-formal learning: supported by tutor and mentor, it will be used group sessions, peer education and discussions and useful methods to grow up their personal, educational and professional profile. The volunteers will also take part to the two national trainings organized by our NA.
Profilo del partecipante
The EVS team will contribute to preserve biodiversity and environment through an ecological and sustainable approach and will promote a dialogue and a cultural exchange within our community. The idea of this project is to educate volunteers to be able to transmit eco-friendly lifestyle, discovered during the EVS project. For these reasons, our perfect volunteer profile requirements the following features: strong motivation for the project and its topics, interest for the activities, flexibility to adapt to every situations, interest in children's education, spirit of collaboration/cooperation
Data dell'attività
Dal 01/04/2019 al 30/11/2019
Luogo dell'attività
Via Orsini 44, Firenze, Italia
Volontariato individuale
Cercasi partecipanti da
Austria, Grecia, Spagna, Portogallo
Argomenti dell'attività
Termine per la presentazione delle candidature
Termine di presentazione delle domande: 28/02/2019 23:59