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Euroopa solidaarsuskorpus

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9 month volunteering in social-cultural organisation (Catania, Sicily)


Arci Comitato Territoriale di Catania

Catania, Itaalia


Arci Catania is a cultural and social organisation in the city of Catania.The main activities of the organisation are related to the coordination - as umbrella organisation - of the local NGOs belonging to the Arci network - mainly youth, cultural or community centres - and their support in order to be more effective, sustainable and performing. The volunteer will help us in this coordination through various activities: -communication support (social media , website, flyers, posters etc); -logistic support to European projects managed by Arci Catania; -information desk about international youth mobility opportunities; -participation in the various activities of our network’s associations (artistic and language workshops, webradio, intercultural events); -welcome desk and general support in the office; -social antimafia activities addressed to students and young people; -creation of personal projects and activities through our network's associations.

Majutus, toitlustus, transport

The volunteers will share a room in a flat located in the centre of Catania at walking distance from the Arci Catania office. The flat is shared with other young people with a common kitchen, a washing machine, a bathroom and a living room. All costs related to the house such as the bills and taxes will be covered by the receiving organisation. The volunteers will monthly receive money for food and pocket money (total of about 300€/month).

Koolitused tegevuse ajal

Volunteers will be able to use the official Online Linguistic Support (OLS) provided by the European Commission. Additionally they will have free access to Italian language courses in Catania through one of our associations according to their level. They will also have the opportunity to take part in an official certifying Italian language exam for free, since Arci Catania is a decentralised CELI exam centre. Volunteers will also have two mandatory trainings with other EVS volunteers in the country, one on arrival and the other around the half of the project.

Osaleja profiil

We would like to host volunteers who demonstrate a strong interest for the main themes of the project and main areas of activities. Previous organisational experiences in social cultural organizations of in the field of other NGOs, and knowledges in the issues mentioned above will surely help the volunteers in a full integration into the project but these are not essential and necessary to be selected as a volunteer. The specific motivation to take part in this project that the volunteers may express is important as its coherence with personal life experience and future plans.

Tegevuse kuupäevad

Alates 01/10/2020 Kuni 30/06/2021

Tegevuse koht

Corso Sicilia 97, Catania, Itaalia

Üksikisiku vabatahtlik tegevus

Otsitakse osalejaid järgmisest riigist:

British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Albaania, Armeenia, Austria, Aruba, Aserbaidžaan, Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina, Belgia, Bulgaaria, Saint-Barthélemy, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Valgevene, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Küpros, Tšehhi Vabariik, Saksamaa, Taani, Alžeeria, Eesti, Egiptus, Kreeka, Hispaania, Soome, Falklandi saared, Prantsusmaa, Gruusia, Prantsuse Guajaana, Gröönimaa, Horvaatia, Ungari, Iirimaa, Iisrael, Briti India ookeani ala, Island, Itaalia, Jordaania, Kaimanisaared, Liibanon, Liechtenstein, Leedu, Luksemburg, Läti, Liibüa, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Saint Martin (french part), Põhja-Makedoonia, Montserrat, Malta, Uus-Kaledoonia, Madalmaad, Norra, Prantsuse Polüneesia, Poola, Pitcairn, Palestine, Portugal, Rumeenia, Serbia, Russian Federation, Rootsi, Sloveenia, Slovakkia, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Syrian Arab Republic, Turks ja Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Tuneesia, Türgi, Ukraina, Ühendkuningriik, Kosovo * UN resolution

Tegevuse valdkonnad

Avalduse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 27/07/2020 23:59