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Európsky zbor solidarity

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Ulster Wildlife Trust Limited

Belfast, Spojené kráľovstvo


Erasmus+ volunteers assist Ulster Wildlife in practical conservation activities to manage Nature Reserves across Northern Ireland. The activities are practical and physical and much of the work is outdoors. The tasks change with the seasons (e.g. in winter there is a lot of tree work and in summer there is a lot of grass cutting) and involve the regular use of handtools, powertools and machinery e.g. strimmers, motorized scythes, etc. The Nature Reserves are across Northern Ireland and are different types of habitat, including an Urban Reserve in Belfast. Most of the activities will be on the Reserves or preparing for this work. There may also be the opportunity to spend some time assisting other work of the organisation. Ulster Wildlife encourages their Erasmus+ volunteers to undertake a personal project which is of interest to the volunteer and organisation. (Please note - Sending organisations in this project have already been identified)

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Volunteers will live in shared accommodation in South or East Belfast, along with Erasmus+ volunteers from other projects. Volunteers will have their own bedroom and will share kitchen, living room & bathroom. Volunteers will receive food money and volunteer allowance weekly and will be provided with bus cards for local travel.

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

The volunteer will receive induction and orientation on arrival and will receive appropriate role-related training. They may also have access to a range of additional training related to environment and conservation. The volunteer will attend the Erasmus+ On Arrival Training and Mid-Term Evaluation.

Profil účastníka

The tasks are physical, practical conservation activities which are mostly done outdoors, so the volunteer must be interested in working outdoors in all seasons. Applicants should be aware that some of the activities can be physically demanding. Volunteers MUST be from one of the countries listed - we are unable to accept volunteers from any other country.

Obdobie činnosti

Od 01/08/2019 do 31/07/2020

Miesto činnosti

Belfast, Spojené kráľovstvo

Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Nemecko, Španielsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Maďarsko, Portugalsko

Témy aktivít

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 30/06/2019 23:59