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Eiropas Solidaritātes korpuss

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EVS in Madrid-La Casa del Baobab Kindergarten

Asociación Baobab: Apoyo Psicopedagógico y Escuelas de Familia


MADRID, Spānija


“La Casa del Baobab” ( is a kindergarten based on Waldorf Pedagogy which watchs over children education in liberty.Our organization receives daily children form one to six years old , educating according to Rudolf Steiner´s Waldorf pedagogy. In regards to this aim the teachers work very closely with the parents, and with other initiatives who undertake similar projects, and prepare the proper environment and activities. The volunteer will have the oportunity to participate creatively supporting the teacher (without responsibility regarding the children care): he/she will collaborate creating toys, furniture, or different material for children. She will participate in annual parties that we celebrate, she will support the teacher taking care of our vegetable garden and garden, where she will be able to learn the skills necessary for taking care of them.

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

The volunteer will have a room in a flat shared youth young people, in Madrid City. In this sense the volunteer will have total independence. Our headquarters is located in Torrelodones, a town located 29 km Northwest from Madrid´s downtown. We are surrounded by peace and nature, which is something that really helps us in the practice of our pedagogy. The communication with Madrid´s downtown cannot be better. There is a bus every 10 minutes, the bus stop is also very close (five minutes walk) and it takes 20 minutes to reach downtown.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

We will offer to the volunteer a continuous support, both personal and professional, and he will receive linguistic and administrative support. The volunteer will have also the opportunity to reserve educational training during the teacher trainings in Baobab.

Dalībnieka profils

The volunteer´s profile must satisfy the following requirements: - Child Education interest and knowledge of the children needs from 0 to 6 years old. - Interest in alternative pedagogies in Child Education. - Happiness and patience. - Interest and/or experience in art, handicraft and work with different natural materials. - Flexibility, openness, and willing to learn. - Responsibility and punctuality. - Notions and or interest in learning Spanish language.

Pasākuma datums

No 15/02/2020 līdz 31/08/2020

Pasākuma vieta


Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm


Pasākuma temati

Education and training

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 29/02/2020 23:59