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Eiropas Solidaritātes korpuss

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Volunteering in day Center for people with disabilities in Vilnius


Day Center "Šviesa"

Vilnius, Lietuva


Šviesa provides day social care services for 74 people with mental, intellectual and complex disabilities from 18 years old. The day center is looking for 1 volunteer to help to implement different activities for people with disabilities. Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Volunteers will be invited to organize these activities together with social workers: • Music (individual, therapeutic activities, orchestra) • Theatre • Ceramics • Activities for people with severe disability  • Sports • Club for discussions • Publishing monthly newsletter “ŠARKA” (“Magpie”) involving people with disabilities in this process • Various events and festivals organized in the day center and outside the day center (in the city) • Trips and excursions to the old town and other parts of Vilnius • Implementing the programme for developing and consolidating social skills in a natural environment

Dzīvošana, ēdināšana un transports

Volunteers will be accommodated in a rented apartment, each volunteer will have a separate room. Volunteers will be provided with a monthly allowance (food and pocket money), monthly public transport ticket

Dalībnieka profils

The main criteria for choosing volunteers - a motivation to work with the target group of the hosting organization. Please, send your application (CV + motivational letter) to the email: by the 5th of July.

Pasākuma datums

A total of 0 week(s) during the period 01/09/2024 to 01/09/2025

Pasākuma vieta

Vilnius, Lietuva

Individuāls brīvprātīgais darbs

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm

Austrija, Azerbaidžāna, Beļģija, Bulgārija, Kipra, Čehijas Republika, Vācija, Dānija, Igaunija, Grieķija, Spānija, Somija, Francija, Gruzija, Horvātija, Ungārija, Īrija, Islande, Itālija, Jordānija, Lihtenšteina, Lietuva, Luksemburga, Latvija, Ziemeļmaķedonija, Malta, Nīderlande, Norvēģija, Polija, Portugāle, Rumānija, Zviedrija, Slovēnija, Slovākija, Apvienotā Karaliste, Albānija, Armēnija, Bosnija un Hercegovina, Ēģipte, Kosovo * UN resolution, Melnkalne, Moldova (Republic of), Maroka, Serbija, Turcija, Ukraina

Pasākuma temati

Social challenges

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

Pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš: 05/07/2024 23:59