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Depaul Homelessness Project - Northern Ireland

Depaul Northern Ireland


Belfast, Regno Unito


Depaul is a charity which works with people who are homeless, or who are at risk of becoming homeless. We are recruiting two volunteers to work within our Stella Maris service. Stella Maris is a residential service for people who are homeless and have long term alcohol addictions. Please note that these placement can be very challenging and volunteers must be sure that they are willing to partake before applying. Applicants MUST submit an application form before the deadline. These can be obtained using the Apply button. Please note we will not accept CVs or Motivational Letters in place of a CV. We will interview shortlisted applicants by Skype.

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

Depaul provides accommodation and travel cards for the duration of the project. Volunteers are provided with a weekly allowance which they must use to buy food and other essentials.

Formazione durante l'attività

Volunteers will attend organisational and local inductions. They will attend all mandatory training as required by the National Agency. Volunteers will also be able to attend in house and external training as and when the opportunities arise.

Profilo del partecipante

Volunteers do not need any specific requirements but they must: -Be empathetic -Be compassionate -Be flexible -Be resilient -Be non judgemental -Be open minded -Be able to use their own initiative -Be interested in homelessness issues, as well as addiction -Have a decent standard of English. We are particularly interested in volunteers with fewer opportunities.

Data dell'attività

Dal 01/09/2020 al 01/08/2021

Luogo dell'attività

449 Antrim Road, Belfast, Regno Unito

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Austria, Belgio, Repubblica ceca, Germania, Danimarca, Spagna, Finlandia, Francia, Croazia, Ungheria, Islanda, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Lettonia, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Svezia

Argomenti dell'attività

Social challenges

Health and wellbeing

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 10/04/2020 23:59