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Europske snage solidarnosti

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Timis County Youth Foundation

Timisoara, Rumunjska


FITT-up is an European Solidarity Corps project, which aims to offer to youth the opportunity to have their first job experience and to develop their transversal skills (communicational, digital, team working skills). The project is implemented by FITT (Timis County Youth Foundation). The vacancies are: - media; - logistics; - youth work; - arts; - financial; - marketing/PR; - Human Resources. The working schedule is part-time (4h), 5 days/week for one year. The main wage is of 139 euros/month and in the first 6 months, 3 euros/day will be added to this amount. The working activity will mainly be in the Youth House Timisoara and the 5 youth centers in the youth centers that FITT has set up last summer.

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

Accommodation will not be covered through the project. The employees will receive 3 euros/day as pocket money in the first 6 months. Travel expenses will be covered according to the European Solidarity Corps distance band.

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

The first months will be dedicated for learning and getting to know the organisation, the team and the main aspects of the work.

Profil sudionika

We are looking for young people: - with fewer opportunities - with citizenship in one of the EU countries; - with the age between 18 and 30 years old; - fluent in English.

Datumi aktivnosti

Od 10/10/2020 Do 10/10/2021

Lokacija aktivnosti

Aries 19, Timisoara, Rumunjska

Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Austrija, Belgija, Bugarska, Cipar, Češka, Njemačka, Danska, Estonija, Grčka, Španjolska, Finska, Francuska, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Irska, Italija, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Malta, Nizozemska, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunjska, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovačka, Ujedinjena Kraljevina

Teme aktivnosti

Social challenges

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Rok za prijavu

Prijava nije vremenski ograničena