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EVS in a Foster Home - Volunteers from Spain


APDMF - Casa do Parque

Outurela, Portogallo


Casa do Parque is a foster home that belongs to the CreserSER - Associação Portuguesa para os Direitos dos Menores e da Família (APDMF) and is based in Outurela. It hosts 14 children between 0 till 12 years old, victims of maltreatments inflicted by their families (ex: negligence; physical, emotional and sexual abuses; moral-legal/educational maltreatments; drug/alcohol addiction). The main aims of the foster home are: - protection of children from dangerous family situations; - provision of basic living conditions, affection and safe environment; - supply psychological care; - make the diagnosis taking in consideration different issues (ex: health, social, educational, psychological, emotional, physical needs

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

ProAtlântico provides accommodation in an apartment, University residence, hostel, hosting family or at Casa Europa, in multiple bedroom with fully equipped kitchen, toilet and living room. ProAtlântico provides €150,00 monthly for food/extra expenses (eg. cleaning materials) during non-working time. During working time the receiving organization provides meals in the organization which is based on a Mediterranean diet. It is not possible for the volunteer to get money instead of the food provided. A monthly local transport allowance is provided by the receiving organization.

Formazione durante l'attività

ProAtlântico will support the volunteers in the learning of portuguese. During the project, volunteers will have different trainings (work with children, Youthpass, etc). Volunteers will participate in trainings promoted by National Agency.

Profilo del partecipante

Volunteers must be: -very human, -self motivated, -proactive, -creative, -with handwork skills, -very flexible The volunteers must be open minded and tolerant to with people with fewer opportunities with different backgrounds and affected by different problems. A high motivation to work with children and young people and special interest on music, dance, theatre, sports, cooking, computers, handicrafts, gardening, history, can be an added value, since these areas their fields of interest and will be the way to reach their attention.

Data dell'attività

Dal 01/06/2017 al 14/12/2017

Luogo dell'attività

Outurela, Portogallo

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da


Argomenti dell'attività

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 20/05/2017 23:59