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Európai Szolidaritási Testület

A közösség ereje

Urban Act - Por um mundo melhor! ( For a better world!)

YouthCoop - Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento e Cidadania CRL

Youth Coop

Cacém, Portugália


The Youth Coop is looking for volunteers for action in the community of Agualva - Cacém (Sintra, Lisbon Region) in a short-term ESC experience ( Volunteering in TEAMS!). Within a multicultural and community environment, the Urban Act is 2-week community development, environmental, and youth participation project. The aim of the project is to carry out interventions in the physical space of the Centro Lúdico das Lopas to improve the offer of activities to young people in the locality and enhance the role of the center as a center for environmental and civic education and development at a local level. It is planned to create an ECO SPACE (divided between educational gardens and a lounge space with urban furniture made from recycled materials) and the remodeling of the outdoor amphitheater, painting panels related to the SDG - sustainable development goals. The volunteer team is made up of 12 participants from Italy, Germany, and Portugal.

Szállás, étkezés és utazás

Volunteers will be housed in an ecological farm near the center. Close to local transport facilities (Train and Bus). The city of Agualva - Cacém is 40 minutes from Lisbon and 20 minutes from Sintra. Meals will be provided to volunteers throughout the activity period (3 meals a day + coffee break). Volunteers are entitled to local and international travel respecting the budget given to the project and within the ESC program. Technical and administrative support will be given. Volunteers will also receive pocket money for the 2 weeks.

Képzés a tevékenység során

There is training upon arrival for the development of daily tasks. - Technical training on safety in the use of tools; - Planning of Urban Gardens projects. Volunteers will be accompanied by Youth Workers throughout the duration of the project. Use of Non-Formal Education and Citizenship and Environmental Education methodologies. The participants at the end of the project will receive the Youth Pass Certificate to validate their achievements and competencies acquired in this experience.

Résztvevői profil

We are looking for young people who are motivated and available to: Working in a team and doing manual work tasks; Interested in sustainability in urban areas, community dynamics, and non-formal education; Interested in a short-term experience near a European capital; Open-minded, creative ( and non so much creative) and pro-solution people; Age between 18 and 30 years old. That comes from Portugal, Italy, and Germany. We prioritize young people with fewer opportunities! (social, economic limits, etc.) Apply here:

A tevékenység ideje

Ettől: 04/09/2021 eddig: 19/09/2021

A tevékenység helyszíne

Rua Carlos Charbel, nº48 - Centro Lúdico das Lopas, Cacém, Portugália

Egyéni önkéntes tevékenység

Ebből az országból várunk résztvevőket:

Németország, Olaszország, Portugália

A tevékenység témaköre

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