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Европейски корпус за солидарност

Силата на съвместния подход

EVS project || Bassano,Veneto,Italy || 10 months (Hungurian volunteer)

Progetto Zattera Blu Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

Adelante Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

Bassano del Grappa, Италия


Location:Bassano Del Grappa (43000 inhabitants), wonderful village lying at the foot of the Prealpi Venete, mountains famous all over the world for their beauty that makes them a tourist destination for skiers and hikers. Places that have sadly also been protagonists and witnesses of the First World War. Receiving organization:"Adelante" is a social cooperative. Its main aims are the design and realization of social and educational activities for children and young people, with particular attention to minors in social distress. It runs several projects among which "Eta Beta", operating since 1996, that has developed a solid and varied experience of educational and animated interventions in programs and services aimed at children, teenagers and youth policies. Role and tasks (in short):the volunteer will be involved in the team of youth workers of “Etabeta” to support them in organizing activities concerning children and youth leisure,active participation of the local community..

Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

FOOD: every month money is given to buy food ACCOMODATION: Provided by the organization according the EVS standards required POCKET MONEY: 120 euro/month WORKING HOURS: 31hours/week DAY OFF: 2 consecutive days/week (free weekends) HOLIDAYS: 2 days/month (can be accumulated) + 1 week at Christmas.Other holidays could be planned by agreeing with the tutor LOCAL TRANSPORT: the organization provides a bike. Bus and train tickets bought by the volunteer and related to the EVS activities will be refund TRAVEL EXPENSES: refunded up to 275 euro (tickets and receipts are needed)

Обучение по време на дейността

In addition to the "On arrival training" and the "Mid-term evaluation" provided by the National Agency for all EVS' volunteers, we provide a "Welcome training" of two weeks where group and individual moments are planned to know some fundamental aspects of EVS, of local culture and of the receiving organization. The volunteer will also attend a language course (80hours, 40 during the welcome training) + online course During the whole experience he/she will also trained in relation to the specific activities carried out in the project (important: we are not talking of professional skills)

Профил на участника

- creative, patient and proactive person; - friendly, communicative and active attitude; - wishing of developing interpersonal relationships; - aware of what involves a volunteering experience; - strong interest in volunteering in the context described in the infokit and to have intensive experience of work with youth; - willingness for living in a small, traditional and provincial town - open-minded and with a responsible attitude to better understand the learning process and the rules of cohabitation; - to be interested in learning a different European language.

Дати на дейността

От 01/10/2017 до 30/07/2018

Място на дейността

Via G.B. Gobbi 1, Bassano del Grappa, Италия

Индивидуална доброволческа дейност

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Срок за подаване на заявлението: 12/09/2017 23:59