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Europees Solidariteitskorps

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Volunteering in our school.

CEIP Garcia Lorca


ALZIRA, Spanje


We are a pre and Primary School. There are 320 pupils aged 3 - 12 and 30 teaching staff (including the headteacher who is a teacher too). The teaching learning process is developed through the medium of our regional language called "valencià" which is different from Spanish. English and Spanish languages are introduced to our pupils from 3 years of age , being two important pieces of our curriculum.

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

The accommodation is covered by the coordinating organization.The volunteer will share a fully-equipped flat with other participants and will have their own bedroom. The volunteer will receive a fixed amount of money monthly to take care of his/her own food. (Cooking your own meals is strongly advisable). Alzira is very flat and not that large, so it is not hard to move on foot. There are only 3 different bus routes.Also, it is part of the Valencian community, and you can reach the city of Valencia by train. (30-40 mins)

Wat leer je?

There are some volunteers (individuals and organizations) as well as members of our educational community that collaborate with us to develop our main key actions centred in: new technologies, decoration of the school, ecology, inclusion, healthy life and intercultural activities. We underline the great value of the Parents Association that designs and develops activities for students. Parents and volunteers help us to develop activities like: Chistmas, Halloween, Easter Eggs, craft clubs, Falla, reading activities, intercultural activities (India, Morocco,...), ...

Wie zoeken we?

We are looking for a creative person, interested in formal and informal teaching methods, with a quite good English Level or Spanish level in order to communicate with the hosting organisation. Furthermore we would also like someone interested in working with children, in dynamic activities and who have some own ideas to contribute in the planing of special days, for example.

Begin- en einddatum

Van 01/03/2023 tot 30/06/2023



Individueel vrijwilligerswerk

Voor deelnemers uit:

Albanië, Oostenrijk, België, Bulgarije, Cyprus, Tsjechië, Duitsland, Denemarken, Estland, Griekenland, Finland, Frankrijk, Kroatië, Hongarije, Ierland, IJsland, Italië, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Nederland, Noorwegen, Polen, Portugal, Roemenië, Servië, Zweden, Slovenië, Slowakije


Education and training

Uiterste sollicitatiedatum

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum: 25/10/2022 23:59