Sport and recreational activities with kids in Palermo
Associazione San Giovanni Apostolo
Palermo, an Iodáil
Cur síos
IMPORTANT: to apply to this project you MUST use the form available at . The San Giovanni Apostolo Youth Centre in Palermo works with children, young people and families in a suburban area. Volunteers help with recreational activities, including after-school support (homework help, English or French language workshops using non-formal methods), creative workshops (guitar, dance, drama, drawing) and sports activities such as football (training, accompanying young people to tournaments, supporting matches). Volunteers are also encouraged to develop a personal project.
Socruithe lóistín, bia agus iompair
Accommodation: the flat, shared with other international volunteers, consists of 3 double-rooms, common living room, kitchen and 2 shared bathrooms. This is equipped with all needed (water, electricity, heating, furniture). Free wi-fi is available. Accommodation is located in city centre, and well connected with public transportation. Local transport: 3-month bus pass. Individual support: monthly cash allowance (Euro 6,00 per day) Food: monthly cash allowance (Euro 150,00 per month) Travel costs: based on ESC guide according to the Erasmus+ distance calculator.
Oiliúint le linn na gníomhaíochta
- On arrival training and Mid-Term Evaluation organised by Italian National Agency - Online Linguistic Support (Italian language)
Próifíl an rannpháirtí
- age between 18 and 30 years - strong motivation for working with kids - flexibility and adaptability to different contexts - ability to team working - ability to implement sport activities (sport education) - creativity and artistic skills (e.g. music, painting, drawing) - good language skills (at least A1 in Italian and B1 in English)
Dátaí na Gníomhaíochta
A total of 26 week(s) during the period 09/01/2025 to 11/07/2025
Suíomh na Gníomhaíochta
Via Barisano da Trani, 1, Palermo, an Iodáil
Obair dheonach aonair
Tá rannpháirtithe á lorg ó na tíortha seo a leanas
an Albáin, an Ostair, an Bheilg, an Bhulgáir, an Chipir, Poblacht na Seice, an Ghearmáin, an Danmhairg, an Eastóin, an Ghréig, an Spáinn, an Fhionlainn, an Fhrainc, an Chróit, an Ungáir, Éire, an Íoslainn, Lichtinstéin, an Liotuáin, Lucsamburg, an Laitvia, an Mhacadóin Thuaidh, Málta, an Ísiltír, an Pholainn, an Phortaingéil, an Rómáin, an tSualainn, an tSlóivéin, an tSlóvaic, an Úcráin, Kosovo * UN resolution
Ábhair na gníomhaíochta
Social challenges
Education and training
Creativity and culture
Spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratas
Níl aon spriocdháta ann