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Europske snage solidarnosti

Zajedno snažniji.

Supporting activities in a youth center


Inventare Insieme (onlus)

Palermo, Italija


Inventare Insieme manages a youth centre to offer opportunities and support to young people aged 6-30 years old. Volunteer will support the daily activities of the organisation aimed at the children, teenagers and young people in the youth centre. These will include: support to music laboratories and/or support to media laboratories and producion of audio-visual materials to promote the work done by the association. Volunteers will also participate in regular laboratories about coding (digital skills), drawing, dancing, theatre, environmental education and active citizenship; support in youth centre events during Christmas, Carnival, Easter time; support to accompany children and kids during activities outside the centre. More info:

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

Accommodation: Volunteer will be hosted in double-room shared with another volunteer. Flat is equipped with all needed (water, electricity, heating, furniture). Free wi-fi is available. Accommodation is located in city centre, and well connected with public transportation Individual support: monthly cash allowance (Euro 5,00 per day) Food: monthly cash allowance (Euro 120,00 per month) Travel costs (outward and return): covered up to 275 Euro Insurance: enrolment in Cigna insurance scheme

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

- On arrival training and Mid-Term Evaluation organised by Italian NA. - Online Linguistic Support (Italian language).

Profil sudionika

- age between 18 and 30 years - strong motivation for working with kids - ability to team working, open-minded, sociable and flexible - ability to play instrument (guitar, drum, piano etc) or ability to produce audio-video material - creativity and artistic skills (drawing, sculpture, theatre, dance etc) - adaptability to different cultural context - ability to use 3D printer is welcome

Datumi aktivnosti

A total of 34 week(s) during the period 01/07/2024 to 01/03/2025

Lokacija aktivnosti

Via Cipressi 9, Palermo, Italija

Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Albanija, Austrija, Belgija, Bugarska, Cipar, Češka, Njemačka, Danska, Estonija, Grčka, Španjolska, Finska, Francuska, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Irska, Island, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Sjeverna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Norveška, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunjska, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovačka, Ukrajina, Kosovo * UN resolution

Teme aktivnosti

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Creativity and culture

Rok za prijavu

Rok za prijavu: 30/06/2024 23:59