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Corpo europeo di solidarietà

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SONS - Same Old New Stories - Youngsters discovering roots of Europe


Asilo Valdese per persone anziane

Luserna S.Giovanni, Italia


The aim of the project is to create a forum of dialogue between young and aged people, in order to face issues and challenges that both categories are facing in this historic moment of cultural and value crisis. The projects promotes cooperation and exchange of views between young foreign volunteers and aged people hosted in nursing home. One of the goals of the project is to transform the generational gap between its participants in virtuous circles of integration, cooperation and mutual exchange.n the nursing home environment, The volunteers will have the possibility to join the staff and thus gain news skills and capacities. They will collect residents’ experiences and memories about the birth of the EU; in this way, retired people will become lead actors of a virtuous transition of knowledges. Other project activities will be: leisure and entertainment moments, welcome aged people’s memories, research and analysis of the local environment around the proposed activities.

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

The volunteer will live with other two volunteers from Germany and Belgium. The apartment is in the same area where the aged people are hosted but its indipendent and not near the guests' room. The apartement has 2 bedroom, one kitchen/living room and one bathroom. The volunteers will eat every day in the kantheen of the nursing home but they also have the possibility to cook their own food in their apartement kitchen. The apartement is near the city center and bus station to reach the two near cities, Pinerolo and Torino. The volunteers will have one or 2 bicycles.

Formazione durante l'attività

The volunteer will attend 5 seminars: 3 organized by the coordinating organsiation and 2 by the italian national agency. The coordinating organisation manage a welcoming seminar (10 days) for more than 50 volunteers at the end of August/beginning of September. In February there will be a mid-term seminar (7 days) in Firenze and then at the end of May a final seminar(3 days) near Turin. During the first seminar there will be an intensive italian course. The volunteer will attend italian lessons also during the service, from October till May.

Profilo del partecipante

The volunteer doesn't need any previous experience in the work with elderly people or any knowledge in Italian. The volunteer needs to be curious about discovering life of old people living in other country. He/She needs to be patient and ready to face difficult situations related to health condition. The volunteer has to be ready to challenge him/herself and learn different way of communication and active listening. The volunteer have to be ready to live and work with other people, he/she will cooperate and make team work, be able to understand the context and other's people point of view.

Data dell'attività

Dal 27/08/2017 al 31/07/2018

Luogo dell'attività

Via Giuseppe Malan 43, Luserna S.Giovanni, Italia

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Bulgaria, Spagna, Ungheria, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Polonia, Romania, Slovacchia

Argomenti dell'attività

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

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