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An Cór Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpach

I dteannta a chéile is treise sinn

Accessibility in Piispala

Nuorisokeskus Piispala

Youth Centre Piispala

Kannonkoski, an Fhionlainn

Cur síos

This project brings 10-12 volunteers from different countries to Youth Centre Piispala for 2 week Team volunteering. Volunteers are between 18-30 years old. Topic of the volunteering period is accessibility in Piispala. The group will bring internationality to Piispala and our customers while making important contribution by improving the physical as well as social accessibility. The participants will first be brought together as a group. They will get to know each other and how to conduct group work together. Then they will be thought the principles of accessibility and explain the work ahead of them. There will be two kinds of tasks during the team volunteering. One is to help build foundations of new Frisbeegolf course in Piispala. There will be accessible holes in the Frisbee golf course.Other task is to start the work of Piispala´s Youth Space and creating it to be accessible socially and physically. Youth space is almost empty room and needs creativity, art etc...

Socruithe lóistín, bia agus iompair

Accomodation and meals are covered and arranged in Youth Centre Piispala where the volunteering happens. Volunteers arrive to Piispala 16th of April 2023 and their departure is on 1st May 2023. Maximum travel costs for volunteer are reimbursed according to Distance Calculator of EU projects. Volunteer travels to Jyväskylä and Piispala will arrange charter buss to Piispala.

Oiliúint le linn na gníomhaíochta

First day will be getting to know Piispala, other volunteers and the staff. Volunteer will be thought the principles of accessibility and explained and showed the work ahead of them.

Próifíl an rannpháirtí

We welcome all participants to apply who are interested. We would like to select participants from different countries. The participants are aged 18 – 30 years old. We will select participants that are most suitable for the project and who have the most need for it and who are motivated to join the project. We would prefer participants who are interested of working outdoors, in creating art and decorating (youth space) and doing group work. To volunteer you need basic English skills. We will select the participants by first reading their CV’s and after that interviewing them via Teams.

Dátaí na Gníomhaíochta

Ón 16/04/2023 go dtí an 01/05/2023

Suíomh na Gníomhaíochta

Kurssitie 40, Kannonkoski, an Fhionlainn

Obair dheonach aonair

Tá rannpháirtithe á lorg ó na tíortha seo a leanas

Angaíle, an Albáin, an Airméin, an Ostair, Arúba, an Asarbaiseáin, an Bhoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin, an Bheilg, an Bhulgáir, Saint-Barthélemy, Beirmiúda, Bonaire Sint Eustatius agus Saba, an Bhealarúis, Na hOileáin Chanáracha, Cúrasó, an Chipir, Poblacht na Seice, an Ghearmáin, an Danmhairg, an Ailgéir, an Eastóin, an Éigipt, an Ghréig, an Spáinn, an Fhionlainn, Oileáin Fháclainne, an Fhrainc, an tSeoirsia, Guáin na Fraince, an Ghraonlainn, Guadalúip, an Chróit, an Ungáir, Éire, Iosrael, Críoch Aigéan Indiach na Breataine, an Íoslainn, an Iodáil, an Iordáin, Oileáin Cayman, an Liobáin, Lichtinstéin, an Liotuáin, Lucsamburg, an Laitvia, an Libia, Maracó, an Mholdóiv (Poblacht na Moldóive), Montainéagró, Saint-Martin (an chuid Fhrancach), an Mhacadóin Thuaidh, Martinique, Montsarat, Málta, an Nua-Chaladóin, an Ísiltír, an Iorua, Polainéis na Fraince, an Pholainn, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, an Phalaistín, an Phortaingéil, La Réunion, an Rómáin, an tSeirbia, an tSualainn, Saint Helena, an tSlóivéin, an tSlóvaic, Poblacht Arabach na Siria, Oileáin na dTurcach agus Caicos, Críocha an Deiscirt agus an Antartaigh de chuid na Fraince, an Túinéis, an Tuirc, an Úcráin, Ógh-Oileáin na Breataine, Vailís agus Futúna

Ábhair na gníomhaíochta

Health and wellbeing

Spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratas

Spriocdháta d'iarratas: 20/03/2023 23:59