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Europske snage solidarnosti

Zajedno snažniji.

Project and Finance Officer in Morocco (Rabat) Humanitarian Volunteer


Alianza por la Solidaridad

Rabat, Maroko


Alianza por la Solidaridad, a member of ActionAid, aims to achieve an active citizenship that fights against inequalities and for the recognition of human rights. It carries out development cooperation and education projects to eradicate gender-based violence, migrants' rights and for climate justice. Join us at our office in Rabat! You will have the chance to participate in the implementation, organisation and logistics of project activities, as well as in the management of the verification sources and design of monitoring tools. You will support the elaboration of intermediate and final reports and the formulation of new projects. Also, you will familiarised yourself with the monitoring and financial justification of activities implemented in the field. Additionally, You will support the implementation of the communication strategy.

Smještaj, hrana i prijevoz

You will have the opportunity to live with other volunteers but with individual bedroom. The accommodation costs and utility bills will be covered by the organization and phone card will be provided. The house will be located in the centre of Rabat. You will receive a monthly allowance of 450€ for your personal expenses, including food and local transport. There is a big variety of transport, such as buses, trams, collective and individual taxis. For the activities of Alianza, a vehicle will be provided. You will also be covered with a health insurance (Henner).

Osposobljavanje tijekom aktivnosti

You will receive training which will cover topics such as: induction to Alianza por la Solidaridad, induction to the European Solidarity Corps, responsibilities and rights of the organisations and of the volunteer, Youthpass, Henner insurance and SHEA. In addition, you will be trained more specifically in feminist leadership and communication for transformation. In the end of your volunteering, you will have acquired in-depth knowledge of the local context in which Alianza works, as well as of highly sensitive issues such as youth and migration in its gender dimension.

Profil sudionika

We are looking for a person eager to learn and work in a team and able to adapt to the context. Interest in developing skills in formulation, implementation of project activities, administration and finance, as well as French language skills, will be an asset. Motivation and interest on subjects related to gender, intersectionality, and multiculturalism are required, as well as the basic use of tools for monitoring and economic execution of projects and new technologies. If you are migrant, live in rural areas, have limited economic support or any other don´t hesitate to sign up, this opportun

Datumi aktivnosti

A total of 30 week(s) during the period 01/04/2024 to 31/12/2024

Lokacija aktivnosti

Rue Beyrout Al Mamounia Gate B, Flat 5, Rabat, Maroko

Individualno volontiranje

Zemlje iz kojih tražimo sudionike

Austrija, Belgija, Bugarska, Cipar, Češka, Njemačka, Danska, Estonija, Grčka, Španjolska, Finska, Francuska, Hrvatska, Mađarska, Irska, Island, Italija, Lihtenštajn, Litva, Luksemburg, Latvija, Sjeverna Makedonija, Malta, Nizozemska, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunjska, Švedska, Slovenija, Slovačka, Turska

Teme aktivnosti

Social challenges

Rok za prijavu

Rok za prijavu: 30/04/2024 23:59